Pheromone Perfumes: The 7 Most Aphrodisiac Fragrances +2023

A pheromone perfume should have a particularly aphrodisiac effect on your counterpart. We’ll now tell you how it works, what’s really going on and which fragrances we recommend.

In the animal kingdom, dogs, cats, and wild animals sniff each other to see if they like each other, and this is how they communicate with each other. It’s the same with us humans, because “not being able to smell someone”, not only applies to four-legged friends, but also to us. Conversely, this means that certain smells affect us appear attractive can. Very popular are pheromones, i.e. the body’s own scents that are supposed to be released in certain parts of the body. But how does a pheromone perfume work? Which is the best and how do I actually apply it correctly? We’ll answer that for you.

What is a pheromone perfume?

With the help of a pheromone perfume you should your counterpart get your attention faster can and therefore him or her too seduce easier. But what exactly are these pheromones? The answer is quite simple: they are produced by the body messenger substancescontained in sweat. Even the ancient Egyptians were convinced that when people sweat, they produce and release certain substances and thus a aphrodisiac effect has on others. in one pheromone perfume contains either androstadienone or copulin and estratetraenol. The last two pheromones are usually found in fragrances for the female sex, while androstadienone is supposed to attract them and make their counterpart almost irresistible.

What does a pheromone perfume smell like?

The smell of a pheromone perfume is entirely dependent on what additional substances have been used and everything reacts together on your skin with your own smell – similar to molecular perfumes. It can fresh smell with one sweet undertone, but also heavier and therefore also much sugarier – which many people like. The sweet scent is particularly sensual and attractive for most people.

The best pheromone perfumes

Pure instincts

If you are on Tiktok, almost no one came across the hype this year Pure Instincts Roll On over, which should be suitable for everyone. Among other things, it is advertised with fragrance components that hypnotic and at the same time seductive effect should have on your counterpart. Sounds almost like a love tonic like you know it from movies. The artificial pheromones contained in the fragrance react with the pH of your skin when applied, leaving the perfume smell different for each person. According to the manufacturer, you can also combine the perfume oil with one of your favorite fragrances. By the way, the product was not tested on animals – very good! – and is free from parabens, alcohol and gluten and accordingly also for sensitive skin suitable.

L’Arise 119

L’Arise has several fragrances that you can choose from. However, the most popular is the 119the to oriental fragrance family heard. Among other things, Arabian jasmine and cashmere wood were used in the top and heart notes. Ambergris served as the base note, which is not vegan unless it is synthetically produced. Due to the fragrances, which are considered sensual, the perfume is supposed to make you mysterious, unique and irresistible make and in others the arouse longing.

Here you can find more information about vegan perfume.


The perfume of shiatsu consists nature-based active ingredients, which can ideally imitate the pheromone copulin. The artificial sex pheromone is supported by a fruity-flowery mixture of lotus and cherry and should make your counterpart dress subconsciously.

MOLéCULE 234.38

No pheromones, but at least as effective molecules were used in the famous MOLéCULE 234.38 used by Zarkoperfume. The ingredients used – by the way, all largely secret – ensure that the scent different for every person smells and yet a certain freshness gives. The only drop of bitterness: You smell little or nothing of the perfume yourself, but the people around you can perceive something of the scent all the more and are guaranteed to speak to you about your unique, great perfume!

How does a pheromone perfume work?

Pheromones underline the personal smell and thus subconsciously send out a signal that you ready to mate is – to put it bluntly, because pheromones work in the animal kingdom in exactly the same way.

Is seducing your crush really that easy? Is a drop of the legendary perfume enough and it’s already done? According to the manufacturer, this is not a modern fairy tale, but fact. Whether a pheromone perfume can really produce such an effect, more on that later.

How to properly apply a pheromone perfume

Applying a perfume or eau de toilette is very simple but effective, if you do it right. Here are a few tips on how to get the most out of your pheromone scent:

  • Wear it directly after showering up because your skin is still warm and slightly damp. In this way, the molecules are better absorbed.
  • In addition, you can still have one if possible Apply odorless body lotionto give the skin enough moisture. This way the perfume sticks better. However, if you have sensitive skin, you should skip this tip, otherwise irritation can quickly occur.
  • Spray out the scent 15 to 20 centimeters away on.
  • The neck, wrist and back hairline are ideal for applying the pheromone perfume. The crooks of the arms and décolleté can also be sprayed with the fragrance if necessary.

Are pheromones harmful?

A pheromone perfume will definitely not harm you. Unless you can’t stand perfume. Then you have alternatives like the Pure Instinct Oil Roll-On.

Can a pheromone perfume really work?

The effect of a pheromone fragrance has not yet been scientifically proven. The reason for this is the still insufficiently researched knowledge regarding human pheromones. What scientists from the Universities of Bochum, Bern and Cologne were able to find out in 2017 is the effect of the fragrance hedione to one of the human pheromone receptors found so far. According to the researchers, it is in our nose and starts immediately when we smell hedione. In our brain, a region is then activated that is important for controlling our hormones is. This part is particularly pronounced and alleged in women ten times stronger than in men. Hedione, a fairly floral fragrance, is said to boost trustworthiness in us, according to the scientists. It has not yet been clarified whether this means that we react to pheromones like animals.

But as already mentioned, such perfumes will not hurt. There is also certain odor noteswho nevertheless very stimulating can act, which can also be contained in pheromone perfumes. The following fragrances are said to have an aphrodisiac effect:

  • jasmine
  • lavender
  • neroli
  • rose
  • sandalwood
  • vanilla
  • vetiver
  • Ylang Ylang
  • cedar
  • Cinammon

It’s definitely worth a test! And for those who prefer to use a normal fragrance to seduce, we recommend, among other things “Idols” by Lancôme with a blend of roses, jasmine blossoms and white chypre.

The fragrance is also very popular “The One” by Dolce & Gabbanawhich particularly charms with the use of sweet vanilla as a base note, but also uses vetiver.

Alternatively, you can also use a shower gel with said scents, like this one Bath & Shower Gel with Ylang Ylang by Molton Brown London. Also a rather sweet scent, which stays on the skin for a long time and after a short time subtly caresses you.


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