Fall/ Winter 2023 Hair Colors

Autumn hair generally contain ash colors. Brown hair are very popular. We prefer darker hair color in winter. Ashy brown and purple, brown and red mixed. You can also use dark ash blonde hair colors. I usually choose cold hair colors. These colors are most popular in the Autumn-Winter 2015-2016 season. [xt_go_advt_1] [xt_go_advt_2]

Ash Blonde 2023

I love the ash blonde hair color. In particular, many women use in Europe and America. It can also be used as ombre hair color or highlights. Hair dyes are 7.1, 8.1, 9.1, 10.1, 11.1. Your skin color may pale to white.

2023 Pink Hair Color

Pink hair color does not love everyone. But I think it’s a beautiful hair color. Especially when mixed with peach color. More young girls pink suits. I chose the most beautiful pink hair color 2015.

2023 Peach Hair Color

This year (2023) peach hair color is very popular. Many women try this hair color. I think it’s a beautiful hair color. Suitable for all skin colors. In dark skin it looks very nice. New and chose different hair color peach.

2023 Caramel Hair Color

When the sugar is melted caramel color is the resulting color. There are many different colors. It is a mixture of brown and orange. I chose different caramel hair color. Do you want to know the hair color and hair color number that you like? You can ask me.

Ash Blonde Hair Color 2023

Ashy blond hair of the most commonly used hair color. The women are usually dark bottom color. This hair color most women prefer 30-45 years old. I do not recommend their use in women under 25 years of age. This hair color can you show older.

2023 Brown Blonde Ombre

One of the most widely used ombre color: the brown and blonde. In 2015, I chose the most preferred hair salon hair color. Generally, medium blond number 7, 8 numbers are used in light blonde. Gold and honey hair color is also preferred.