Brittney Griner has just been released from Russian custody +2023

This article was originally published by Shine.

To an ordeal for almost a yearBrittney Griner was released from Russian custody today, December 8th. according to CNN. The outlet also reports that she was swapped for convicted Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout. According to an unnamed US official, the WNBA star is now in US custody and her family have been notified of her release.

Griner has been jailed in Russia since February, when she was first arrested at Sheremetyevo International Airport near Moscow for possession of vape cartridges containing cannabis oil. Since then, Griner’s case has garnered worldwide attention as she and her family implored President Biden to bring her home.

In July, Secretary of State Antony Blinken confirmed that the Biden administration had presented Russia with a “substantive proposal” that reportedly involved trading Griner and Paul Whelan, an accused spy arrested in Russia in late 2018, for Viktor Bout. According to CNN, the December 8 swap that published Griner does not include Whelan.

In the shine Woman of the Year will be awarded on November 1st to Brittney’s wife Cherelle Griner gave a poignant speech She describes the uncertainty and despair she has felt over the past year. “I’ve spent the last eight months riding waves of grief and, to be honest, just totally in disbelief,” she told guests, which included the women of the year Angela Bassett, Jennifer Hudson, Shannon Wattsand the Haim sisters. “I can’t believe that I stand before you today, living without my favorite person, my greatest love, my sanctuary.”

She then shared a message with her wife: “Babe, I miss everything about you. Especially your friendship. I took it for granted that I could talk to you, your voice is the only voice I want to hear. “I know your heart’s heavy right now, baby. I wish you were here to feel all the love that’s giving you.” surrounds you. You are not forgotten. Cheer up, champion. This too shall pass! I love you and I can’t wait for the day when I can hug you! Love, Relle.”

This is an ongoing story and will be updated.

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