You will not believe what they have found in their products that is very bad for health +2023

It seems that the Chinese brand is always in the eye of the hurricane. After the complaints of labor exploitation of Shein now comes a new controversy and it has to do with very dangerous chemicals. This is stated by Greenpeace Germany after the discovery of this substance in their clothes.

Crooked walls and bad Photoshop to lose weight to models: the Shein scandal that knows everything TikTok

The environmental NGO has made A study with a laboratory of 47 random garments from the Chinese firm that they acquired on-line and in the store pop up of Shein. There they discovered that a 15% of them have phthalates and formaldehydestwo highly toxic chemicals, in much higher amounts than allowed by European legislation.

To that are added other dangerous chemicals that were present in 45 of the 47 garments, although in lower concentrations. A report that has caused a stir due to the enormous risk it poses for consumers, but also for Shein employees, exposed to these toxins during production.

“While credible attempts to change the business model are rare, there is no shortage of ‘sustainability’ or ‘circularity’ initiatives, which for the most part are not a serious attempt to address the problem, but rather to greenwash.” – Greenpeace Germany.

Photos | @sheinofficial.

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