Why Tamara Falcó questions having children +2023

Queen of hearts, Tamara Falcó has managed to inherit from her mother, Isabel Preysler, the omnipresence in the media that talks about society (and the headlines are not always good, why lie).

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After occupying endless headlines as a result of his well-known break with Iñigo Onieva, the numerous out of place statements that he has made (remember that he questioned the effectiveness of COVID vaccines in full prime time) and his retrograde comments in a ultra-Catholic congress in Mexico City last October, all the words that come out of his mouth are going to be in the eye of the hurricane, and we are not surprised.

Tamara Falcon 3

In one of her last public appearances, Falcó has spoken about maternity and She has made it clear that she does not consider being a single mother. In 20 minutes They have echoed their confessions. “I have said it many times. I love children, but I think they are the fruit of love. It is something that I would like to share with someone and live as a couple”, detailed the Marquise de Griñón.

To this, she has reiterated that “she would not have children alone”, a very respectable decision. In addition, she has explained that she feels grateful to have nephews. “Whoever gave God no children, he gave nephews”, a phrase that has not left anyone indifferent.

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As a finishing touch, and on a less accurate level in our opinion, he has pointed out that “for a child it is also good to have two people”. Opinions expressed with respect and tolerance are always welcome..

Photos | Gtres, @tamara_falco

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