Why did Kate and Tully stop being friends on Firefly Lane? (Spoiler) +2023

One of the biggest mysteries in Firefly Lane Season 1 is the reason Tully and Kate stopped being friends after 30 years together. At the end of season one, Tully tries to attend Bud’s funeral to pay her respects, but Kate coldly stops her, telling her that what she did was unforgivable and she never wants to see Tully again. What could possibly have led to the end of the Firefly Lane girls?

Firefly Lane Season 2 Part 1 delves into this mystery and finally brings us to the 2005 storyline. We learn exactly what happened between Tully and Kate that led to their final breakup.

Big spoilers ahead for Firefly Lane Season 2 part 1

Below, we’ll delve into the chain of events that led up to Tully and Kate’s big fight, and look to the future of the show to see if there’s a chance for a reconciliation.

What did Tully do to Kate on Firefly Lane?

One night in 2004, Marah stayed the night at Tully’s house so Kate and Johnny could reunite over a romantic weekend alone. At Tully’s, Marah receives a text message from her crush, Ashley, inviting her to the movies. Despite Marah being grounded, Tully can’t resist her goddaughter and lets her date Ashley.

But later that night, she receives a call from a panicked Marah. Ashley dragged her to a frat party to reconnect with her ex-boyfriend and then she went with him leaving Marah at the party. Marah started kissing a guy there and he tried to take it too far so she ran away and hid in a pantry.

Assuming she would be home overnight, Tully has a few glasses of wine. But when she gets the call from Marah, she immediately drops everything to pick her up. On the way home, Marah and Tully get a T-bone from an oncoming car and end up in the hospital. When the police arrive, they find that Tully was driving under the influence. Although the accident wasn’t her fault, the story turns into a massive scandal when Tully is arrested for drunk driving.

Kate is angry with Tully for letting Marah go out with house arrest and then drunk driving with Marah in the car. Luckily, both Tully and Marah are fine, but Kate freezes Tully after the accident. Eventually, Marah tries to get her to talk by getting Tully to come over with a text message from Kate’s cell phone. But it ends badly when Kate tells Tully she can’t forgive her.

Will Tully and Kate reconcile in Firefly Lane Season 2 Part 2?

At the end of Firefly Lane Season 2, part 1, a year has passed since the big fight between Tully and Kate. They didn’t speak to each other and both tried to move on. Kate takes a creative writing class and tries to make new friends while Tully fixes up her and Cloud’s old home on Firefly Lane.

Tully gets the opportunity to go to Antarctica for several months to work on a documentary about global warming. She leaves just as Kate discovers she has inflammatory breast cancer. Tully is the only person she feels comfortable turning to, but by the time Kate shows up at Tully’s door, Tully has already left.

I think there’s a perfect chance they’ll reconcile in season 2 part 2 as it would suck if the show ended with them on bad terms! Unfortunately, the finale ended on such a heartbreaking cliffhanger. Nonetheless, I’m sure Kate and Tully will make amends in part 2 and Tully will support Kate in her treatment and her second marriage to Johnny.

Firefly Lane Season 2 Part 1 is now streaming on Netflix.

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