Who is Luna Pamies? The Spanish Zendaya discovered in a bottle +2023

luna pamies is the new sensation of the year, the revelation actress of this 2022. This 18-year-old girl, born in Orihuela (Alicante), is the protagonist of Water, first film by Elena López Riera, film that triumphed at the last Cannes Film Festival.

The filmmaker discovered Luna in a bottle, specifically in San Bartolomé, a district of Orihuela in Vega Baja, during the town festivals.

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And it is that Elena López looked for non-professional actors for her film for most of the characters, except for the mother and grandmother who are played by Bárbara Lennie and Nieve de Medina, respectively. For the character of Ana, a somewhat rebellious and very fragile village girl, the filmmaker did not want a professional actress.

luna pamies

When Luna Pamies finally accepted the role, at Elena’s insistence, the rehearsals prior to shooting were lengthened because at that time Luna was finishing ESO and later began to study a hairdressing and aesthetics module. moon did the casting at 15, he shot the film at 17 and did the promotion at 18.

Water Poster

Currently, Luna continues to live in San Bartolomé with her mother. She has two sisters, Isabella and Ángela, whose names she has tattooed on her shoulders, like many others, and a more recent one that says “El Agua”.

They already nickname her the Spanish Zendaya, since Luna bears a certain physical resemblance to the American actress. And this is only the beginning because the revelation actress of the year wants to continue making movies.

Photos | Elastic Films

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