What Venus in Capricorn means for your love life +2023

Couple holding hands.

We’re already in the middle of cuffing season, but get ready to tom Holland and Zendaya and really settle in: Venus is heading into Capricorn from December 9th to January 2nd, so it’s getting serious.

According to astrology, Venus has a great influence on our love life and relationships. But the planet’s influence doesn’t stop there: Venus is also said to rule over money, beauty, and creativity. Capricorn, on the other hand, “is ruled by Saturn, the planet of hard work, limits, limitations and commitment,” says the astrologer Maressa BrownAuthor of the forthcoming book “Raising a Baby by the Stars: A New Parent’s Guide to Astrology.” So what does it mean that this romantic planet is moving into such a goal-oriented, ambitious space?

Capricorns place a lot of emphasis on moving the ball forward and looking at an ambitious goal, Brown tells POPSUGAR. So when Venus is in Capricorn, that daredevil mentality is applied to those Venusian issues of relationships, financial security, and beauty. “Venus in Capricorn is usually a more serious transit of Venus,” adds the astrologer Liz Simmons. You may begin to consider longer-term avenues in love, money, and beauty, adopt a more responsible and mature perspective, and feel a desire to ground yourself and express yourself more seriously in each of these areas of your life.

When it comes to love, “Venus in Capricorn may encourage a more traditional approach to bonding,” Simmons tells POPSUGAR, “suggesting that we’re more inclined to settle down than to keep it light, fun, and flirty.” .” When you’re single, you may be drawn to going out on purpose and looking for a committed relationship, rather than keeping things casual. “Couples can use Venus in Capricorn to talk about long-term shared goals and commitments, especially anything that might reinforce the idea of ​​building a life together,” adds Simmons. (This all makes sense, especially considering the situation is dead.)

An advice? With your head down and focused on relationship and dating goals, you may have a tendency to hold things back or shy away from tough talks if you think it might rock the boat. “Talking about feelings that are a little messy isn’t necessarily Capricorn’s instinct,” notes Brown, but prioritizing those conversations is important, even if it feels like the opposite direction you might want to go. Now, if you’re having those difficult conversations while you’re trying to settle down, “ultimately you’ll get across the finish line in an even healthier and more connected way,” says Brown.

The other spheres of influence of Venus are likely to be affected in a similar way. As for money, “Venus in Capricorn’s conservative mindset might be ideal for saving rather than spending,” says Simmons, so you may be less inclined to spend and more interested in investing or spending more consciously. As for style and beauty, Venus in Capricorn could lead you to look for darker colors and a simple, neutral aesthetic, including lots of black and gray.

The transit of Venus through Capricorn also offers some important dates to consider:

  • Dec 22: Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus. (Note: A trine is the “most harmonious angle that can occur between two planets,” says Brown.) This will be especially helpful for earth signs, since both Capricorn and Taurus are earth signs and could be helpful for breakthroughs in relationships and beauty, and money. They might lean on creative brainstorming sessions and feel ready to break out of an artistic or relationship rut, Brown says.
  • Dec 28: Venus in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces, “indicating a flow between the planet of love and the planet of illusion,” explains Simmons. This transit is likely to be hopeful, spiritual, and mystical, she says, “but it could also lead to confusion, escapism, and diffusion. It would be best to stay grounded and still idealistic during the sextile.”
  • 29 and 30 Dec: Brace yourself – this is when Venus in Capricorn mates with Mercury retrograde. Given that Mercury is the planet of communication, “don’t be surprised if wires cross,” Brown says, although she adds that this could be a good time to tie up loose ends and close deals do with past events that affect you. And since Mercury retrograde is notorious for causing glitches, “perhaps it’s best to back off on new commitments when you can,” adds Simmons. “More information on whether or not an opportunity for love or money is right for you will surely come out during this conjunction as well as Mercury retrograde.”
  • January 1st: Venus mates with Pluto in Capricorn, which can be an intense experience, Brown says. “Pluto is the planet of transformation and power, control,” she says. “So you could get really obsessed with anything to do with beauty, relationships, or money.”

All in all, Venus in Capricorn is a great time to do something in Venus’s field, whether it’s fully defining your relationship or planning your financial future. “Venus in Capricorn can help you set and keep goals related to love, money, and beauty,” says Simmons. “My best advice is to think about the Venusian themes like a five year plan as this is the perfect time to start strategizing for success in love, money and beauty.”

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