The Animal Welfare Law is raising a sea of doubts among pet owners. From not knowing what happens if you have a prohibited animal at home to the fine because the dog is in the yard. Where the law is clear and blunt is in what happens if you have a litter of dogs or cats (and the fine can reach 50,000 euros).
“Adopt the necessary measures to avoid the uncontrolled reproduction of companion animals. Breeding may only be carried out by persons responsible for the activity of breeding companion animals registered in the Register of Companion Animal Breeders”. – Article 27 of the Animal Welfare Law.
This translates directly to not everyone can have a litter of kittens or puppies at home. So yes they can fine you for raising animals and the figure amounts to 500 euros for a minor offense and can reach 50,000 euros if you are a repeat offender. So if my dog gets pregnant, can’t I have her puppies?

First, you can take the animal to the vet for an abortion. If you want me to have offspring you can register in the register of breedersa procedure on-line and free in which any citizen can sign up, as long as they meet some simple minimum requirements that can be met even in an urban home.

The objective of this registry is to have a record of the professionals dedicated to animal husbandry in order to put a stop to uncontrolled breeding and have traceability of pets. This promotes responsible sale and adoption, a great help for animal protectors.
Photos | Unsplash.
In Jared | The small but protective Chinese royal dog who is now the king of small houses.