What Is Strep A? What Are the Symptoms of Strep A? +2023

Experts have started to issue warnings in recent days due to the increase in Strep A cases in children. Strep A, which caused the death of many children in England, started to come up again. Viruses and bacteria have the opportunity to reproduce faster due to the fact that people are more in closed and crowded environments during the winter months.

Infections caused by viruses and bacteria cause serious diseases and problems if not treated in time. Strep A disease, known as beta, is one of them. So what is Strep A? What are the symptoms? How is Strep A transmitted?

What Is Strep A?

There are many types of streptococcus (short for Strep) that cause sore throats, but group A is undoubtedly the most worrisome. Strep A, a group A Streptococcal bacteria, is a type of bacteria found in the throat and skin. Infections caused by bacteria occur in the throat and tonsils. Strep A strains of bacteria cause scarlet fever, infections such as impetigo and cellulitis, although rarely, life-threatening toxic shocks.

If left untreated, it can cause serious damage to the heart or kidneys. Strep A bacteria can spread to different parts of the body and cause throat inflammation, sinus and ear infections. Strep A, popularly known as Beta, can cause infection in people of almost all groups and ages. However, some groups are more at risk. Those with weakened immune systems, children, the elderly, patients with chronic diseases and those who do not pay attention to hygiene rules are also more likely to be infected with Strep A.

What Are the Symptoms of Strep A?

Diagnosis and treatment of Strep A disease, which can lead to serious disorders, is very important. So what are the symptoms of Strep A?

  • Sore throat
  • Painful swallowing, difficulty swallowing
  • High fever
  • Red rashes on the skin
  • White inflammation in the throat
  • enlargement of lymph nodes
  • Red dots on the palate
  • Weakness
  • Tiredness
  • Headache
  • Muscle pains
  • Stomache ache
  • Anorexia
  • nausea, vomiting

How Is Strep A Spread?

Strep group A is a contagious infection. Therefore, it is important to avoid contamination. Strep A can be transmitted by hugging, shaking hands, sneezing, coughing, etc. to people who are sick or carriers. Towels and spoons of sick people should not be used in common. Paying attention to personal hygiene also reduces the possibility of Strep A transmission. In patients who are started on antibiotic therapy, the contagiousness ends after 48 hours at the latest. In patients whose treatment is not started, this contagious period extends up to 3 weeks.

What is the treatment?

If patients with sore throat and fever are accompanied by white inflammation of the throat and enlarged lymph nodes, the possibility of Strep A should be considered. Throat culture should be taken without delay. If the culture test is positive, antibiotic treatment should be started immediately. Plenty of fluid intake and rest are recommended for people with strep A infection.

Throat infections are usually caused by viruses. For this reason, antibiotics are not generally used in throat infections. However, Strep A is an infection caused by bacteria and can cause problems such as heart rheumatism and kidney inflammation, so antibiotic treatment is essential. Early treatment is vital, as Strep A causes serious discomfort. Therefore, if you have symptoms; you need to apply to a health institution immediately.

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