What Causes Dry, Brittle Hair and How to Treat It? + 2023

Here is a question we get asked a lot: Why is my hair so dry and brittle?? While it’s easy to blame harsh hair care products (and they often deserve the blame), the truth is, there are many possible reasons for this. dry, brittle hair— from heredity to lifestyle factors.

Some people are more prone to drying their hair out than others. But in any case, there are things you can do to get healthier hair. To make your hair soft and supple, you must first determine what is causing the dryness.

reasons Dry, Brittle Hair

There are several reasons why you have dry, brittle hair. One reason for this may be a lack of moisture. This happens when the oil glands in the scalp are depleted or when excessive heat is applied to your hair with styling tools such as a blow dryer, straightener or curling iron.

It can also mean that you have a weakened immune system due to illness, nutritional deficiencies, poor eating habits or stress. If you’re asking, Why is my hair so dry and brittle?” Here are some possible culprits:

  • Hormonal imbalance due to age or pregnancy
  • Harmful chemicals in shampoos
  • washing your hair too often
  • Overexposure to chlorine in swimming pools
  • Not conditioning your hair after every shampoo
  • Frequently dyeing, perming or loosening your hair
  • exposure to tobacco smoke
  • Medical conditions such as diabetes, anemia, and thyroid disorders
  • Exposure to excessive UV rays

Did you spend a lot of time in the pool? Using cheap shampoos and conditioners? Struggling with an unrelated – or seemingly unrelated – medical condition? In some cases, the causes of brittle hair are obvious. In other cases, the causes may be less obvious. Then it’s time to see a doctor to get to the heart of the matter.

Treatment Dry, Brittle Hair

a woman touching her hair

For dryness not related to a chronic health condition, many habits You can include it in your routine to combat hair breakage.

Wash Your Hair Correctly

If you’re wondering, Why is my hair so dry and brittle?” your hair washing routine could be the culprit. It is ideal to use a quality shampoo when washing your hair and apply it only to your scalp. Washing your entire hair can dry out your ends. So concentrate the shampoo on the top of your head and let it flow through your hair ends.

If you are using conventional watersupermarket shampoos, it may be time to switch to a gentler cleanser. it’s too hard chemicals in shampoo that caWhy? dry, brittle hair. That’s why you should read labels carefully and watch out for ingredients like sulfates, parabens, silicones, and synthetic fragrances.

Look for all-natural alternatives if possible. This also applies to your air conditioners.

Always Style Your Hair

Every time you wash your hair, be sure to use a conditioner and concentrate on the ends of your hair. Conditioner can significantly help damaged hair by increasing shine, reducing static electricity and protecting against harmful UV rays. Do not apply conditioner to your scalp as this can result in over-conditioning and straight hair.

In addition to constantly using conditioner, try adding a deep conditioning treatment to your routine once a week to hydrate. dry, brittle hair. Deep conditioning treatments are designed not only to moisturize but also to restore hair that has been damaged by chemicals and styling products.

Protect Your Hair from Chlorine

Young woman in swimming pool

If you frequently swim in a chlorinated pool, this may be the answer to your question.Why is my hair so dry and brittle?” Chlorine is a harsh chemical that damages your hair. You should wear a tight-fitting cap to protect your hair while swimming in the pool. It is also recommended to deeply condition your hair after swimming to replace the moisture and natural oils stripped by chlorine.

Limit Heat Applications

Every time you apply heat to your hair, it dries out the hair and eventually leads to damaged and split ends. Limit t to combat dryness from heat applicationsUse heat styling tools and use the lowest temperature settings.

Heat from improper blow-drying can also be an issue. Blow-drying wet hair is generally safe, but it’s important to follow a few golden rules. First (and most obvious), don’t blow dry your hair if it’s already dry. This will instantly lead to dry, brittle hair.

Also, use a heat protectant spray before blow-drying. Hold the dryer about six inches away from your hair and gradually reduce the heat as your hair dries.

Maintain a Healthy Diet

a meal with fish and vegetables

Do you still thinkWhy is my hair so dry and brittle?” Your diet can cause your hair problems. A diet lacking essential nutrients can result in dull, coarse and brittle hair.

Adopting a healthy diet containing plenty of water and proteinAnnual vitamins A B C, D, E and zinc allow your hair to regain its strength and grow healthier than before. Eggs, spinach, milk, legumes, sunflower seeds and carrots are just a few surefire bets to get the nutrients you need.

Omega-3 fatty acids are also important for full, shiny hair. Foods rich in omega-3s include salmon, oysters, mackerel, flaxseed and chia seeds. You can also take omega-3 supplements to reverse it. dry, brittle hair.

Try Low Level Laser Therapy

If your brittle hair causes your hair to break and thin, to try low level laser therapy (LLLT). LLLT works by energizing stem cells in hair follicles using red laser light, releasing growth factors and increasing blood flow to the local area. As a result, hair follicles produce thicker, stronger and healthier hair.

Strong, healthy hair is less likely to break and gives you fuller hair over time. LLLT technology has been scientifically proven to regrow hair and can be found in portable devices such as laser combs. laser caps. They are convenient and can be used in the comfort of your home.

Reverse Dry, Brittle Hair with LaserCap

“Why is my hair so dry and brittle?” after knowing the answer to the question. The next obvious question is, “What can I do about it?” If you’re struggling with dry, brittle hair that breaks, diet and hair care alone may not be enough to restore your hair’s fullness. However, it is important to know that treatments are available.

At LaserCap we have two solutions that have proven effective for many who struggle with hair loss and brittleness. The first is LaserCap ⏤, an FDA-approved LLLT device clinically proven to promote hair regrowth in just four to six months. You can also try our Quantum-V1 Hair Health Nutraceuticalprovides all the essential nutrients you need to support healthy hair.

Fortunately, dry, brittle, and thinning hair reversible. Follow the tips above to have healthy, bouncy hair!

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