Tips from the editors: How to properly care for your face +2023

team talk
How do you take care of your face?

Teamtalk: How do you care for your face?

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From the right cleansing to facial gymnastics: Our Brigitte editors present their skin care routine.

Because skin matters also have a lot to do with personal preferences and experiences: one topic, four approaches.

Abenaa Namslau: Good care starts with nutrition

Abenaa Namslau, Beauty Editor, BRIGITTE

Abenaa Namslau, Beauty Editor, BRIGITTE

© Sevim Aslan

It may sound far-fetched, but I believe that good skin care starts from within. I rely on a healthy, balanced diet with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. And from the outside? I swear by peeling cleansers for a glow and good care – and by my Gua Sha stone, which I use to touch up the contours of my face at every opportunity. This not only feels good, but also strengthens a little – and that can never hurt.

Linda Shllaku: Proven instead of too many active ingredients

Linda Shllaku, fashion and beauty editor,

Linda Shllaku, fashion and beauty editor,

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When it comes to skin care, I mainly stick to two active ingredients: niacinamide and vitamin C. What else has proven itself and gives me a home spa feeling in the bathroom: my cleaning tool with microcurrent and LED light therapy. It really cleans and removes dead skin cells. This allows the active ingredients to penetrate better and the skin has a nice, rosy glow.

Anja Haegele: Good creams and gymnastics against wrinkles

Anja Haegele, travel editor, BRIGITTE

Anja Haegele, travel editor, BRIGITTE

© Andrea Ruester

As a teenager, my mother used to take me to the beautician because I suffered from acne. Since then I have been using high-quality creams. A few years ago I took a “Cantienica” course to treat teeth grinding: The muscles in the mouth and neck area are strengthened with gymnastics – and the exercises are also said to work against wrinkles. I think that’s true: my worry lines are smaller if I practice regularly!

Anna-Lisa Blank: Cleaning is underestimated

Anna-Lisa Blank, fashion and beauty editor,

Anna-Lisa Blank, fashion and beauty editor,

© Private

Water and a simple day cream: That’s all I used to use. Since my young and fresh appearance is fading more and more over the years, I have now integrated a cleansing routine that suits my skin type into my routine: I no longer go to bed without having thoroughly cleaned my face from the dirt of the day – and regardless of whether I wore makeup or not.


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