If you start with some cooked homemade artichokes, this dish is made very quickly -and without losing quality-. However, nothing happens if we start with some raw artichokes, we just have to clean and cook them to start this recipe. Once we have them cooked, this recipe is made in 15 minutes.

Finely chop the garlic and onion so that it can be poached over low heat in the pan. In this way they will be very soft. During the process, we will cut the artichokes in halves and toast them until golden brown.
We will create a good mixture between the toasted artichokes with the well-poached onion and add the ham cubes. We will cook the mixture until the ham looks like York (a pink tone). At this point we will add the white wine and the artichoke cooking broth, and we will raise the heat to bring to a boil.

In most cases, salt is not necessary thanks to the ham. But we can always try and correct if we wish. In addition, we can finish the dish with a few drops of lemon.