This is the lip contour that is sweeping Mercadona with a moisturizing and rejuvenating effect +2023

With the arrival of the polar cold, the lips are one of the areas that suffer the most, so it is very important to take care of them and pamper them as they deserve. So today we want to talk about one of the latest signings that, in addition, we have tried, of Mercadona which we liked very much.

This is the Mercadona anti-aging beauty ritual with a Jade roller and Botox effect

mercadona lip contour

Its about Regen Skin lip contour which has a price of 4.50 euro and that it is worth it with the amount of assets and benefits it brings us. And it is that, as they tell us from the brand, it is an intensive regenerator of the lip area with antioxidant effect thanks to Lycopene that works by reducing wrinkles and naturally balancing the levels of hydration and firmness of the skin.

It is suitable for all skin types, including the driest (like mine) and at the time of the complete beauty routine it is applied after the serum and before the cream, just like the eye contour.

mercadona lip contour

The thing is that your formula contains essential oils with vitamins and collagen that achieve greater efficiency in improving the skin and, with its use, we are seeing how wrinkles are attenuated, as well as spots and wrinkles, providing luminosity to the skin, something that, over the years, we are losing little by little.

Personally, I’m loving it and I’ve included it in my daily routine since the first day it came into my handsthat it is never too late to start taking care of our lips and that contour to avoid the unsightly “barcode”.

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Photos | @paticonde and brand

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