this is the cheapest you can buy in luxury stores +2023

Not everyone can have a Chanel bag, but everyone can have something from Chanel. If you look carefully in the catalog of a luxury store, you will almost always find something for less than 100 euros and even for less than 50. In fact, in Louis Vuitton they even had a replacement of mechanical pencil erasers for 5 euros. Thus, on TikTok, the unboxing of the cheapest products from stores such as Dior, Saint Laurent or Burberry have become fashionable. It is not always something that we are going to be able to use a lot, however, the grace is in the pleasure of being able to enjoy luxury. The packaging and free samples that some brands include are an important part of the loot. Of course, remember to ask for it to be wrapped as a gift and write a message on the card.

How Vestiare Collective works, tricks to get the most out of it and what those who have tried it think

Lily Rose Depp for Chanel Beauty



Pinceau éponge teint is the most accessible product of all Chanel. Have a price of 25 euros and it is an esponge for an ultra-natural makeup result and for a perfectly even application of fluid foundations. Although you can’t see it in the photo, it has the logo of the French firm on the base. In addition, the package includes two free samples that we can choose personally.


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The Dior Backstage eyelash curler is the cheapest we can find in the catalog of the French firm, for 26 euro. In a gorgeous matte black and gold logo, she promises to create a perfect lash curve in a single gesture. He is accompanied by two samples beauty as a gift and our choice.



Gucci is one of the firms (if not the most) that puts more detail into packaging. Ask for one of their nail polishes, in any shade, for 32 eurois a guaranteed investment in good shopping experience. And it is that the firm is known for sending its clients thank you stickers in a letter after the purchase.



A beautiful plate 10 centimeters in diameter with the jellyfish logo It is the cheapest thing we will find in the Versace catalogue, for 39 euros. It is available in white and gold and also in black and gold. It looks beautiful on any dresser.



From among the 85,041 photos that designer Simon Porte Jacquemus has been taking with his iPhone since 2010, he has selected what he considers to be the 321 best to shape this book entitled pictures. Have a price of 40 euros and, with its beautiful beige cover, it is perfect to have it on display for visitors.

Dolce and Gabbana

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In a plot twist of events, the cheapest thing we can find at Dolce & Gabbana is the typical Milanese panetone reinterpreted with the aromas of Sicily. Handcrafted, entirely made in Italy, the box in which this sweet with citrus and saffron for 29 euros In total, we can reuse it to retire the pasta with butter of a lifetime.


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A glycerin soap for cleaning and caring for saddlery leather (i.e. leather for equestrian and riding accessories), which comes in a retro cut metal boxis the most accessible to all pockets that we can find in Hermès, for 36 euros. Now all you need is the horse and knowing how to ride it.


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The most expensive pair of white socks that you are probably going to buy in your entire life is the cheapest you can buy at the firm of Spanish origin. By a modest price of 75 euros receive at home these durable and breathable cotton blend high socks with the Balenciaga logo on the front ankle. They have a ribbed finish and are made in Italy.



The Voc Viva perfume is an ode to the multifaceted femininity of Valentino and, for 50 euroswe can have it in this format 200 ml body milk. Although, originally, it was sold as a complement to make the perfume more intense. However, if the budget does not give us more, we accept octopus as a pet.

Cover photo | Unsplash

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