This is the best way to protect your skin in winter +2023

That’s what experts advise
This is how you protect your skin in winter

Radiantly beautiful skin in winter – this is how it works

Radiantly beautiful skin in winter – this is how it works

© Edward Berthelot/Getty Images

Low temperatures, wet, humid air outside, dry heating air inside – our skin has to go through a lot in winter. Dermatologists will tell you how to prevent irritation.

Winter often only weighs on our spirits, but sometimes also means a mammoth task for our skin. Especially people who tend to dry skin or are even affected by neurodermatitis can sing a song about it. Year after year, as temperatures drop, the search for good care goes hand in hand. “” has summarized some essential tips from skin experts and dermatologists that give us a healthy, rosy complexion even in the dark, cool season.

Beautiful skin in winter with these expert tips

1. Change your beauty routine to winter

Take care when cleaning your skin!

“Switch to a gentle, fragrance-free cleanser because strong soap can aggravate itchy, dry skin,” recommends Dr. Ross Perry, Medical Director of CosmedicsUK. “I would recommend switching to a cream based cleanser and using toners sparingly as they often contain alcohol which can further dry out the skin.”

Sun protection even in winter!

“Most people think that they no longer need to use SPF on their face during the winter months,” says Dr. Tailor, Medical Director and Founder of Health & Aesthetics. “Even though temperatures drop significantly during the winter months, the sun can still be extremely strong and damaging to skin, especially when reflecting off snow. That’s why it’s important that your face, neck and hands (or anything exposed to the sun) is still protected with a sun protection factor. This can delay premature skin aging.”

Less is more!

Oils are considered the Holy Grail of the beauty industry. In winter, however, you should use it sparingly, advises Nataliya Robinson. She explains, “Daily application of pure oils to skin can damage the lipid barrier. The best way to use oils is to mix them into your usual day or night cream.”

2. Dietary supplements can help

“Omega 3, 6 and 9 supplements are essential for skin in winter. Their job is to maintain a healthy cell membrane, which allows a cell to hold water. This healthy barrier makes skin softer and more supple.”

3. Adjust diet

In general, a balanced diet is also important for radiant skin in winter. Avocado in particular can have a supportive effect here. “Eating healthy fats, like avocado, has been shown to help keep skin supple and elastic, as well as protecting it from drying out,” says Dr. Rekha Tailor. Another important food that should be a regular part of the winter diet is kale. “Kale is rich in vitamin C. One cup provides more than 50% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C. This helps the skin to grow new cells and heal.”

4. Lifestyle is also important

Stay active!

When it’s cold and uncomfortable outside, we’re drawn to the couch. With a cup of tea in hand and a good book – what could be nicer? However, exercise should always be on the daily schedule, after all, it stimulates the circulation, gets the pulse going, which gives the skin a natural glow. “Just going for a half-hour walk three times a week helps keep skin looking radiant,” explains Dr. Tailor.

adhere to rest periods

As important as exercise is, getting enough sleep is also essential for healthy, glowing skin. “Sleep has important therapeutic benefits – it’s one of the most productive times for repair of all body systems, including the skin,” Dr. Murad, board certified dermatologist and founder of “Murad Skincare”. Expert’s extra tip: “Eat a walnut or two before bed. High in antioxidants, omega fatty acids, and one of the best dietary sources of melatonin, they can help improve sleep.”

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