This camera is the revolution to take pictures of your dog +2023

We all like photos with our pet but, let’s face it, they are not easy to do. Making them is a lot of fun, but getting them right is hard. Especially if you are alone to carry out the task. We have finally found the solution.

Canon has a camera that automatically captures photos and videos. How do you read it? A kind of webcam magic designed to capture those special moments without having to worry about framing or pressing the button. And this for the question that concerns us today is wonderful (we have verified it). Also, the material you get is high quality.

Is named PowerShot PX and it’s like hiring a personal photographer forever. And by turning photo sessions into something so natural, it makes pets comfortable and the result is much better than if you use any other. You don’t take them out of their environment and they’re comfortable, they don’t even know it.

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Its secret is that it is smart and portable. It is able to follow you and frame alone. To use it, you use voice commands or the application. And it is so smart that you can select who you want to focus on in the photos and it will take care of looking for them (it has zoom with pan and tilt). The most to get great action photos.

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The resulting graphic memories with it are so beautiful that I couldn’t resist printing them to put them all over my house, including the fridge.

Its price? 479 euro.

Canon Compact Camera Canon PowerShot PX Essential Kit White

Canon Compact Camera Canon PowerShot PX Essential Kit White

It connects via Wi-Fi and you can place it on top of a tripod to give it height or directly on a surface.

As a canine mommy I will tell you that it seemed like an invention to me and I have found another very useful use for it: to watch over my pet. You can use it to see what she’s doing when you’re not with her. Of course, it does not work if you are very far from the camera, so if you leave you will not be able to use it. But it serves perfectly to keep an eye on other rooms or areas of the home.

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Some tips for photographing your dog

  • Have toys and treats handy. Always give him a treat when he’s done.
  • To attract their attention you can whistle or make a noise.
  • Choose a background that contrasts with the color of her hair.
  • Get on their level. That is, crouch or sit on the ground with your pet. It will be much more comfortable for her than taking a photo standing up. The composition resulting from being at the same height gives more closeness.
  • Don’t be a perfectionist. I assure you that the least prepared photos are the ones that remain the best.
  • Try to make the space have natural light, situating yourself near a window is a good idea.

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