This Autumn/Winter 2022-2023 sequin garments are sweeping on all occasions but, as expected, it is on Christmas Eve when they are sweeping the most. There is no doubt that in the coming weeks the trend will increase and in stores all these garments are running out quickly. If we put some black leggings in the bag with a great effect, madness reaches unsuspected limits, and this is how Amelia Bono has just demonstrated it with her latest look on her Instagram.
Amelia Bono has been one of the lucky ones to get hold of the black sequined leggings and dude effect from the new Zara collection and she has combined them in an elegant and modern way to go out celebrating Saturday night with her husband, Manuel Martos.

This is how Amelia Bono has combined her Zara glitter leggings
The influencer has worn her leggings to go to dinner and although she had many options, she has opted for the most recurring look and, at the same time, the most elegant. In addition to super stylizer. Amelia Bono has opted for a total black but with great pleasure and details typical of a stylist like the combination of textures or the jewel details in contrast to the sequins on his pants. A rock look, yes, but also very glam and chic.
Amelia Bono has worn her flared sequin leggings with a black top and a cropped black leather jacket -to make her silhouette look even more stylized- with jewel button details in the form of a Uterqüe brooch. This jacket is to be kept like gold in cloth in the bottom of the closet but really this look can be recreated with any leather biker that we have in the closet. In Zara there are a lot of ideal models.

Beyond a night look, these pants go TOP with sweaters to play with those style contrasts or a basic white shirt and heels for a look with a classy touch.
Copy in Zara the sequined leggings of Amelia Bono
They are out of stock but there may be some left in stores and on their website they advertise replenishment of the best-selling sizes, so we better not throw in the towel with this leggings that wears more than any pants. It is very Christmassy but in reality it has a long life in any party plan or night beyond these holidays.
It makes a great guy because it has a high waist, straight lines and flared hems, so its effect is infinite legs (add a good heel and platform to see you super slim). Its black color enhances this ultra-styling effect. and also includes the silhouette without marking or showing anything. And all this with the comfort and versatility of any black leggings.