There are occasions in which by the hand of fate, are created jewels capable of facing any situationwe are not speaking metaphorically, we are speaking in real terms because today’s protagonists are the footwear equivalent of an SUV.
And it is that these high boots from Ulanka have been designed for you.succeed no matter if it rains, it is windy or a wave of polar cold arrives in our city. Its silhouette, combined with the hottest sole of the moment and the materials with which they are made, can withstand everything with style.
It’s about a knee-high cut designwide and with a waterproof finish -reminiscent of wellington boots but also of equestrian style- and the sole track thicker so as not to slip even when treading on difficult terrain.

The perfect design to wear with leggings, stockings, jeans or dresses, they combine with everything and defend it with class, a real find that thanks to discounts at ulanka can be ours for only 59.99 €49.99.
Ulanka Gummy Boots Walker – Black Gummy Boots
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In Jared | How Vestiare Collective works, tricks to get the most out of it and what those who have tried it think
Photos | @ulanka_officialUlanka