These are the 3 that are going to take the most

These are the 3 that are going to take the most +2023

It is starting a new year and, in addition to programming the usual resolutions, you have a crazy desire to change your image. Yeah, you’re not the only one this happens to. Most of us are itching for a brand new look – and that is why we know that you will love to know the haircuts that will be successful this 2023. I suppose that It is a way to “restart” and start the new year with renewed energy and image.

The 75 haircuts 2023 that best suit you (ordered by type)

And you? Have you thought about what you are going to do? It is possible that you do not want to risk too much and you are satisfied with resorting to the wicks that are going to be carried the most or with doing some easy trendy hairstyles. But also It is possible that you are thinking of cutting your losses. If this is your case, be very attentive, because we bring you the three haircuts that will be most popular in the coming months. In addition, we give you all the keys so that you know which is the one that favors you the most. In this way you will not have to take any risk. You will be right with the change.

35 short haircuts for women 2023 (ordered from classic to extreme)

What is the name of the trend cut 2023?

These are the bets that will sweep during the next 12 months: the bob cutthe pixie cut and the clavicut.

  • Bob. The bob cut He has been camping at ease in hair fashion trends for several seasons and he will continue to do so. This half short hair (also known as ¾ because it represents three quarters of what is considered long hair) It is one of the great favorites for its versatility and because it favors all types of faces. and hair colors. A complete success! This year we will see it in all its versions, but they will sweep the italian bob with bangs and the tips slightly inward (which curiously has a French style); the microbob and the clavicutwhich is the measure that favors all types of women.
15 haircuts that will be popular in Fall/Winter 2022-2023
  • pixies. If there is a haircut that will triumph the pixie, a masculine style cut capable of adapting to all types of faces. It adapts to any hair texture and density but, fundamentally, it flatters any facial oval shape. The pixie cut is the cut of a thousand versions and it is that, although it has some basic rules, it is completely customizable. That’s what it’s all about, looking for the shapes and textures that best fit each type of face. Alberto Sanguino is clear about it: “an elongated oval is favored by a pixie with practically straight bangs, so that she can put it to the side and cover her forehead. However, a round oval is interested in long bangs so that she believes a vertical line around the face”. If you have been wanting to know more, do not miss the haircuts that are most flattering according to the shape of your faceit will be of great help to you!
  • Clavicut. “The midi length is super fashionable. Nowadays it is seen a lot on the catwalks, something that all the celebrities have also followed. In addition to being a very flattering haircut depending on the silhouette you have and the type of face, it sweetens features a lot and gives it a much more girlish touch”, explains Raquel da Conceiçao, director of the creative team at Llongueras.
30 medium length haircuts that will be a hit in 2023
  • Do you want to know which one favors you the most? We tell you all the keys to the three capillary bets of the moment so that you can choose properly:

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