“Then I was fat and unemployed” – How a little misunderstanding cost Ryan Gosling a role in 2009 +2023

Playing a character isn’t just about acting, it’s about understand the character deep and right. In the early stages, if an actor doesn’t understand the depth and demands of the character, he may not justify it. Even before that, they might not even get the part. Something similar happened to Ryan Gosling in 2009.

Every actor and artist sees the character differently. Therefore, there may be differences between the two people trying to interpret the same character. It often happens with actors that they don’t understand the character as they should. And in the end they lose the role. 2009 because of a little misunderstanding the la la country Actor lost a role in The lovely bones.

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A little misunderstanding cost Ryan Gosling a lot of money

The lovely bones is a 2009 supernatural thriller drama film based on Alice Sebold’s 2002 novel same name. The movie stars Saoirse Ronan, Mark Wahlberg, Rachel Weisz, Susan Sarandon, Stanley Tucci and Michael Imperoli. But instead of Mark Wahlberg, we could have seen The gray man Stern if he hadn’t misinterpreted the character. Unfortunately, Gosling thought the character was meant to be overweight So, he has gained 60 kilos. However, this was not the character’s requirement. he revealed “I just showed up on set and got it wrong. Then I was fat and unemployed.”

Mark Wahlberg stars in the lead role Jack Salmon, Susie’s father who is obsessed with his daughter’s murder case. If the Barbie If the actor had gotten it right, we would have seen him as this obsessive father. Gosling also once revealed that with the weight, he had also let his beard grow. He made the physical changes without discussing them with the director, Peter Jackson. However, some viewers believe Mark Wahlberg was a brilliant choice as a replacement.

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Have you seen this thriller? The story follows a girl who is murdered and watches over her family “the in-between”. She is torn between finding revenge for her killer and bringing her family back to health. Do you think you could handle this horror?

If you have seen this film, tell us if you think Ryan Gosling would have been perfect for the role or not. And if you haven’t seen it, stream it now here.

The post Then I Was Fat and Unemployed – How a Little Misunderstanding Cost Ryan Gosling a Role in 2009 first appeared on Netflix Junkie.

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