The Tao of Tyson – Tattoo Ideas, Artists and Models+2023

Interview by Charlie Connell and Edmund Sullivan
Photos by Mark Clennon

Two hours before my interview with Mike Tyson I’m scrambling to figure out how to structure the conversation. The man has lived so many different lives, each of them fascinating in their own right, that it’s nearly impossible to figure out a plan of attack. In a way I feel like so many boxers must have felt before getting into the ring with the legend—confident in my abilities but in full knowledge that this interview is going to go wherever Tyson wants it to go, regardless of the blueprint.

The Inked crew is ushered into his house and takes a seat in the family room. Tyson’s dog Mars, a big fluffy beast who leans hard into your leg as he accepts some pets, ambles around the room as we wait. A whiff of cannabis comes in from another room as we overhear the immediately recognizable voice approaching.

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