That’s why you should always spray perfume on your belly button +2023

beauty trick
That’s why you should always spray perfume on your belly button

The navel is the perfect place for perfume – but hardly anyone knows that!

Wrist, neck or cleavage? No, according to fragrance experts, a completely different part of the body is the perfect place to apply perfume. You can find out why you should spray your belly button in the video.

The hair is perfect, the make-up too and the outfit you chose days ago is ready – now there’s actually only one or two sprays of perfume missing and the date with your new crush can start.

Spray perfume on your belly button?

But the perfect spot for our favorite scent is far from what most of us would expect. Because it is not the wrist or the neck that should be sprayed, but the navel! You can find out in the video why you have so much of the scent here.


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