Ash Blonde 2023

I love the ash blonde hair color. In particular, many women use in Europe and America. It can also be used as ombre hair color or highlights. Hair dyes are 7.1, 8.1, 9.1, 10.1, 11.1. Your skin color may pale to white.

Ash Blonde Hair Color 2023

Ashy blond hair of the most commonly used hair color. The women are usually dark bottom color. This hair color most women prefer 30-45 years old. I do not recommend their use in women under 25 years of age. This hair color can you show older.

Most beautiful Intense Ash Blonde Hair Color

I chose 11 different and very beautiful Intense Ash Blonde Hair Colors. These hair colors affect your decision. You should pay attention to the skin color while determining your own hair color. Look carefully at the photos. Hair colors generally change according to the color of the skin. Also, when using this hair color, you … Read more

Ash Blonde

This hair color should be preferred by women over middle age. Because ash blonde hair color can show you older than you are. You should pay attention to your face makeup so that your face does not appear to be breathless. I do not recommend pale skinned women to use this hair color. I chose … Read more

Ash Blonde Hair Dye on Black Hair

In this article, I want to share some hair coloring – pre and post – shared in social media. Women with black hair or dark-brown hair color are usually afraid of being blonde. Here are a few examples. If you write in your comment whether it suits you or not, I’m happy.

Ash Blonde – Hair Saloon

Ash blonde hair color:

This hair color, which is very popular between 2000 and 2015, is not much preferred in recent years.
There are a few reasons for this. Ash blond hair color;
1- It may show you older than you are.
2- Your face may appear more pale.
3- It is not a natural hair color.

However, I would like to say that it suits some of the hundreds and especially the women between the ages of 35-45.

I chose the most beautiful ash blonde hair color for you especially in hairdressing salons. I hope you will like it.


Before: Ombre Hair Now: Ash Blonde

Natural depth: 6/0 Colour A: 30g Illumina Color 6/76 + 30g Illumina Color 5/7 + 6% Welloxon Perfect Colour B: 30g Illumina Color 7/7 + 30g Illumina Color 6/19 + 6% Welloxon Perfect Colour C: Blondor Freelights + Blondor Freelight Developer 12% (1:3) Colour D: Instamatic By Color Touch Jaded Mint + Color Touch Emulsion … Read more

Intense Ash Blonde Hair Color

This hair color (INTENSE ASH BLONDE) shows more of your age. Photo 2 is a very good example. There are before and after there. This hair color makes your face look pale. This hair color is more suited to dark-skinned women. I also do not recommend this hair color to women aged 20-30. I think … Read more

Ash Blonde Hair Color

Ash blonde hair color is preferred. Because the natural color and easy to use. You can use it as highlights. Or you can mix with different hair dyes. 8.1- 9.1- 11.1 10.1- can use these hair dyes.