Sulfate-free shampoo: finally strong hair +2023

A sulfate-free shampoo can improve the condition of our hair in a short time. We now reveal why we should avoid sulfate-containing shampoos and how our hair will change as a result.

Sulfate-free shampoo: why are sulfates added?

A good shampoo rids our hair of excess oils, dirt and styling residue. This cleaning effect comes through so-called surfactants conditions. Without these chemical substances, we wouldn’t be able to get our hair really clean.

There are many different types of surfactants that vary in how they affect skin and hair. They also include sulfates. In contrast to many other surfactants, however, they are now viewed as problematic. They clean very effectively, but they work severely drying and irritating to the skin. This is why problems arise when we use a sulfate-containing shampoo several times a week instead of one sulfate-free shampoo to put.

Sulfate-containing shampoos: these are the consequences

What happens if we regularly leave sulfate-containing shampoos on our hair? With every hair wash, the hair becomes more and more moisture removed. This is particularly critical for the sensitive lengths and tips.

When wet, the hair fiber is more susceptible to damage anyway, as it swells and thus loses stability. Aggressive surfactants also weaken them. the Cuticle roughens and becomes rigid and inelastic due to the loss of moisture.

Many typical beauty problems can be traced back to shampoos containing sulfate. This includes:

  • sensitive hair prone to breakage
  • difficult to comb, matted hair
  • lack of shine
  • greasy approach
  • itching, dandruff
  • dyed hair fades quickly

For many of these hair issues, switching to a Shampoo without sulfates, which moisturizes the scalp and hair, make the difference. If none of these aggressive surfactants are included, the hair’s natural cuticle layer remains intact, which is what the hair gives a nice shine. Also the scalp is then no longer stimulated. This should please everyone who suffers from itching, irritation or dandruff.

Sulfate-free shampoo: how do I recognize good shampoos?

We often recognize a sulfate-free shampoo by the label “without sulfates” or “sulfate-free” on the product. However, to be on the safe side, check the ingredients. They must be printed on every shampoo – they are usually on the back.

In most cases, surfactants are at the top of the list of ingredients. So you can’t miss them. Do you discover terms that the word “sulfates” or “sulfonates” contained, it is unfortunately not a sulfate-free shampoo. The app code check makes it particularly easy for you to identify questionable ingredients. You simply scan the barcode of a shampoo and immediately receive an analysis.

Good shampoo for extremely dry hair

Anyone who suffers acutely from very dry lengths should use a shampoo without sulfates, which also no siliconescontains. These are chemical film formers that weigh down and seal the hair over time. Real care ingredients can then no longer penetrate – the lengths dry out.

In order to bring a strawy mane into balance, we should therefore rely on particularly mild shampoos that free from harmful ingredients are. If neither sulfates nor silicones are present, the hair remains healthy, shiny and voluminous after shampooing.

Do you choose one Natural cosmetics shampoo, you play it safe. If it is a matter of certified natural cosmetics, no questionable ingredients such as silicones or parabens be used. Parabens are preservatives suspected of disrupting our hormonal balance. A natural shampoo is not only good for your hair, but also for the environment.

There is another advantage of natural cosmetics. Here are frequent moisturizing alcohols deployed. Cosmetic alcohol is found in a number of hair products and serves as a solvent. The usual form called “Alcohol denat.” However, it dries out the hair a lot. It is found in many conventional shampoos. So-called fatty alcohols are more likely to be used in an eco-shampoo. They have a less stressful effect on our mane, which means that the lengths remain supple.

You can recognize moisturizing alcohols by the following designations:

  • cetyl alcohol
  • Stearyl Alcohol
  • cetearyl alcohol
  • Behenyl Alcohol

A natural sulfate-free organic shampoo from the natural cosmetics range is the best choice to straw hairin again silk to transform. There are no questionable artificial ingredients that could damage your mane. This is not only good for our hair, but also for the environment!

This sulfate is particularly problematic in shampoo

By far the most commonly used surfactant is called “Sodium Laureth Sulfate”, also short SLS called. This substance is particularly aggressive to skin and hair. through the strong degreasing effect the lengths become brittle and the scalp becomes irritated. Many manufacturers therefore also advertise with the addition “without SLS”.

SLS is not only found in shampoos, but also in the washing powder or Dishwashing liquid. This type of sulfate can loosen burnt-on grease from the pan and even removes stubborn stains from clothing. But our hair is sensitive and doesn’t need this powerful stain remover. If our lengths still come into regular contact with sulfates, they dry out more and more. That is why we should rather avoid sulfates and especially SLS.

That is why sulfates are still used

Wait a minute, why is this type of surfactant even used when it has so many negative effects? Many of us are probably asking this question right now.

Sulfates are quite cheap to produce and give the manufacturer a cost advantage. In addition, they can be used very widely in many different cleaning products. Whether shower gel, peeling or facial cleanser: A manufacturer of various cosmetics buys one surfactant in large quantities, making it easier for them.

But there are also surfactants that dry out the skin and hair less. With these other types of surfactants, such as coconut surfactants, but it is more complex to produce. They are also derived from natural raw materials, which increases production costs.

However, these moisturizing surfactants are much more suitable for a dry scalp and brittle hair. They keep the moisture level constant and clean without drying out. This keeps the hair fiber elastic, which means we don’t have to worry as much about hair breakage, itching or split ends.

By the way: These tips can help to soothe an itchy scalp in the long term.

You can find more interesting beauty tips at barbara!

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