Star make-up artist Florian Ferino reveals the beauty tricks for the red carpet

Star make-up artist Florian Ferino reveals the beauty tricks for the red carpet +2023

Look like the stars on the red carpet: It sounds complicated, but it’s not at all, reveals star make-up artist Florian Ferino. Small beauty tricks can have a big impact on how we look in pictures – no matter how bright the light is.

At the big launch event of Lancôme’s new “Rènergie HPN 300” cream, we met hair and make-up artist Florian Ferino. The Berlin-based beauty expert made a name for himself primarily through his work with national and international stars such as Leni Klum, Riccardo Simonetti, Caro Daur or Sylvie Meis made a name. We took advantage of the opportunity to tease out insider tips from Florian. What do the stars swear by? What is important in a red carpet look? Or which beauty -Trends 2023 are promising? Lots of questions – and even more exciting answers.

Star make-up artist Florian Ferino in an interview with BRIGITTE

BRIGITTE: In your opinion, what is the be-all and end-all of good facial care?

Florian Ferino:A good facial care should definitely moisturize. I always find it difficult to recommend a moisturizer because there are so many different skin types. You have to find a care that suits your skin.

And what should you never do without when it comes to skin care? What are Scincare must-haves?

If you put on a lot of make-up, cleaning is the most important thing. I hear so often that people don’t take their make-up off. It’s super important to always cleanse the skin with a good cleanser and then use a serum. A night cream is great if you don’t want the cream feeling throughout the day. Especially serum and eye care are good for the skin. There is also not too much care, the skin would complain.

You also style stars like Leni Klum or Riccardo Simonetti. What is important in a make-up for a red carpet or a big event?

For the red carpet, it’s important to use a little more of everything – even for people who don’t actually need contouring or don’t like contouring at all. The flash on the red carpet is very bright, it swallows so much that it sometimes looks as if there is nothing on it and the face loses its contours. And that’s where makeup is essential. When you see close-ups of stars like Kim Kardashian without flash, they look so blatantly made up. That’s because they deliberately wore more makeup for the red carpet, television, and flash.

The professional reveals: The do’s and don’ts of the stars

And are there any beauty tricks that stars swear by?

Makeup Artists!

Is there anything else? For example adhesive tape? Or are they only used for shootings?

You use them, if at all, for a shoot. There are still tricks how to change the face optically. For example with the lip line, by painting over it or playing with light and dark tones to emphasize or make things stand out. The aim here is to make the lip look more voluminous. Or you can lengthen the eye with an eyeliner.

And what is an absolute beauty no-go?

There are always trends that you used to do but wouldn’t do anymore. For example, trace the eyebrows with too much powder so that they look completely compact. And what I unfortunately see very often is that eyelash extensions are way too long and way too black! It looks like a foreign body on the face. The effect of eyelash extensions or mascara should actually be that the eye appears larger and not smaller.

Would you recommend using lash extensions only for one event? Or are there also natural and permanent variants?

There are also natural permanent ones. It always depends on how these are set. I often see that the ones in the back of the eye go too far into the outer corner and this causes the eye to droop instead of opening.

And for people who are new to the beauty game, how do you even know which shades suit you? So both in makeup and eyeshadow?

One should pay attention to one’s own skin tone and undertone. Is it more yellowish, olive or reddish? Then it depends on the eye color, the combination of eye color, skin color and then of course the hair color.

Are there also tones that suit everyone?

Shades of brown always work well. But it also always depends on whether the brown tone is warm or whether it is a cool tone. A tone where you can say it really suits everyone, I don’t think there is one. Maybe in the form of black eyeliner.

And which three products do you swear by at work?

If I could only take three products to a job, it would definitely be: mascara, concealer, and lip gloss. Lip gloss always makes the lip look bigger, whether the lip is narrow or light or dark. The mascara opens the eyes and immediately makes a more beautiful expression. The eyelashes are very light, especially in blonde-haired women – mascara makes a big difference. And with the concealer you could theoretically also do a complete make-up – if it is the right shade.

There are always many runway makeup trends. What do you think are the beauty trends we can look forward to in 2023?

There are so many trends this year that make you say “wow”. The red lip is now a summer must-have. Blush is back in full force. So no more bronzers or highlights, but more blush. Bleached eyebrows: none compact painted or soap brows, but bleached or natural eyebrows are now in. And then brown tones on the lips.


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