Prince William is preparing for a showdown with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle by planning “rapid rebuttal of dubious claims”. +2023

Prince William was put off by the Netflix trailer of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. The first part of the controversial documentary series Harry & Megan will be broadcast on December 8th. Netflix released the first trailer on December 1st while they released another teaser on December 5th. The two clips made it clear that the Sussexes would not mince words when discussing their horrible experiences at the Windsor house.

The documentaries are said to be an extension of the bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey that aired last year. But unlike last time, Prince William chose to fight this time frontally with his younger brother and sister-in-law. The Prince of Wales is planning this issue a strict withdrawal warning to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle when they Spit out lies about the royal family in the six-part documentaries.

ALSO READ: “We Know the Truth” – “Harry and Meghan” drop two volumes of truth bombs

Prince William’s team is watching Harry & Meghan like hawks

According to a report published in the To expressinsiders have claimed that Prince William and Kate Middleton will be waiting Publish documentation before giving a reaction. However, the heir to the throne has made it clear to his senior staff: “quickly refute dubious claims.” The Prince of Wales will not don’t tolerate the false narratives of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle against the monarchy.

In addition, insiders suspect that Buckingham Palace had decided to do so for the Duke and Duchess Drop his mantra of never complaining and never explaining. The late Queen Elizabeth II always maintained a dignified silence in the face of controversy. However, the institution has now decided tonew strategy to face controversy head-on instead of letting it fester.”

Now it’s her Timing of the first trailer released by Netflix that upset the future king most. Prince William believes it was one Sussex Royals low blow to damage his official US tour. Prince William and Kate Middleton were in the United States from November 30th to December 2nd Talks about the Harry & Meghan show heavily dominated the trip.

ALSO READ: Has Meghan Markle done the right thing by calling out the royal family in stepping down Prince William’s godmother?

Do you support Prince William’s new strategy for his younger brother? Let us know in the comments.

The post Prince William prepares for a showdown with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle by planning “rapid rebuttal of all dubious claims,” ​​first appeared on Netflix Junkie.

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