There is no self-respecting autumn, without the unwavering belief in seasonal hair loss, a danger to the health of our mane It almost became an obsession. However, we know that if hair falls out more in autumn, it is not because it is a seasonal fall, but because changes in our body coincide in these months that end up affecting hair. The most common, the stress derived from returning to work after the summer holidays, but also changes in temperature and food, to give a few examples.
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hair loss or hair loss?
There are dozens of types of alopecia (hair loss) that must be differentiated from hair loss, since this is a natural process that is part of the hair life cycle. “We are animals and we have to lose about 100 hairs on average a day. That, having long dark hair, shows a lot. And if you comb your hair in the morning and you find a steer of hair on the hairbrush, it does not mean that you have alopecia at that moment”, explains Dr. Ana Molina, a specialist in dermatology, trichology and aesthetics. If the amount were than 250 hairs, if one could speak of loss capillary and additional measures may be taken to alleviate.
what to do if your hair falls out excessively
To differentiate whether it is hair loss or fall, it is best to consult an expert. He, in addition to confirming what our hair problem is, will be able to find out the causes. “In most cases, patients who consult for alopecia who come to the trichology consultation (specific consultation on hair problems), many times they come because they think they have alopecia and not they have a pathology as such. Their hair is not falling out more than necessary, they are noticing it more,” says the expert author of healthy skin, beautiful skin (Paid). To clear up doubts, experts tend to carry out an analysis of the situation with data provided by the patient and a analysis clinician to determine if there are deficiencies of any vitamin that may be causing excessive hair loss.
fall due to stress or telogonic effluvium
There is a hair loss that is identified as acute telogen effluvium that is a stress fall. “Whether it’s stress physical or emotionalBecause there are people who feel this way when they follow a super restrictive diet or because they suffer from emotional stress after an upset, a duel, they can develop what is called telogonic effluvium, which is a stress fall. For a few months, the hair falls out more. But this fall due to stress, normally, it is shown that heals spontaneously”explains the expert on our way to find out when anti-fall pills are prescribed and if they really work.
Anti hair loss pills, do they work?
In pharmacies there is a lot of cosmetics of each and every time they have more acceptance among the public and more popularity in their effects. When we consult with the doctor, she does not hesitate to certify her effectivenessbut not in all cases, we already know that there are many types of alopecia and not all of them have their origin in a nutritional deficiency, which is when this type of cosmetics is effective. “When there really is a nutritional deficiency Specifically, anti-loss pills made of proteins and vitamins for hair work, what happens is that these are the most isolated cases. The most common thing is that people take these pills without really having a previous analysis done to see that they really have a nutritional deficiency.
when and how to take anti-fall pills
To be clear about a situation of nutritional deficiency, the expert gives us as an example that of a young woman with a heavy period who does not consume foods with a lot of iron and suffers from iron-deficiency anemia, which leads to a capillary fall due to iron deficiency. Or, as Ana Molina says, she feels thinner hair and a mane with less body because nutritional deficiency is not only expressed with abundant hair loss. It is in these cases that experts guide this type of anti-loss treatment, to alleviate the nutritional deficiency that is causing the hair loss. In these cases, the guideline is very simple to follow, one tablet a day so that the vitamins, after several weeks, take effect covering these deficiencies.
The placebo effect and non-prescription
As these are supplements that provide a set of beneficial vitamins (a priori) for our body, we realize that we should use them without a prescription, because it is not required, it is not necessary. And when we believe that it is having an effect on us, in reality we are only savoring the placebo effect of someone who has a solution to their problem, even though it may be the least ideal. “These supplements include biotin, for example, and other substances that have been shown to interfere with blood tests, that is, it can alter thyroid hormones or even troponin, a marker of myocardial infarction. For this reason, it is not only better to take these cosmetic nutrients under medical prescription, but we must also notify our doctor that we are taking them, especially if we are going to have an analysis done to take it into account”, recommends the expert.
It is in these cases that it is interesting to carry out an analysis to take into account the opportunity costbecause many times we go to buy a product believing that it is the solution to our problems, diverting that expense from a medical consultation where, with total security, they will give us a diagnosis of what is really happening to us.
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