The look beauty by Patricia Conde is always one of the most copied in Spain. Both when she opts for natural makeup and when she dazzles with something more original. But especially when he puts all his strength into her gaze and make your eyes look huge with this simple trick of beauty.
The Patricia Conde eyeliner is a classic that never fails and that has been used since the 60’s because it makes the eyes huge. She does not risk with torn looks or eyeliner finished in a tail Hers is always a round and she completes it with an easy trick that we can all do at home.

This beauty secret consists of putting the false eyelashes only on the outer corner of the eyes, raising the gaze and achieving a torn effect without the need for eyeliner. cat eye. something we can get cutting a portion of the false eyelashes to apply them only in that area.

Krash Kosmetics 5D Lash Filter False Eyelashes
That way we get use our false eyelashes in a more subtle way and natural, avoiding that exaggerated brush effect and fitting them into our daily lives to achieve a more dramatic look like Patricia Conde does. Something that with this option of Krash Kosmetics for eight 8.95 euros is going to be very easy.
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Photos | @paticondeCousin.
In Jared | Trends in hair colors that we will see and desire the most in 2023.