Nuria Roca’s layered haircut is the most flattering of 2023: natural and with volume +2023

Nuria Roca is one of the presenters of the moment. The Valencian is living a sweet time professionally with television projects that allow her to give free rein to what she likes the most: communicate. She has also had a new opportunity as an actress in the series Mothers: Love and Life and on the tables of the theater. All this has given him a reputation, which although he has never lost, has been reinforced. Paired with this is the work she does as a brand ambassador, product image, etc.

The 75 haircuts 2023 that best suit you (ordered by type)

The followers of the presenter, both those of social networks and television, want to know everything about her. About the clothes and accessories that she chooses for her events or to present her programs, about her manicures, her makeup, her skin care… And also about her hair. From the cut to the highlights. And we understand the reasons…

Why? Because Nuria Roca is one of the 50-year-old women with the most style and personality on the current scene and it is, without a doubt, a reference. He knows how to mix the trends of the moment with decisions made with the experience of knowing what suits him best. Young people in their 20s and 30s have thousands of influencers to look at, but older ones don’t have as many, so celebrities like Nuria become the most interesting profiles in this regard.

Nuria Roca’s new haircut

Nuria Roca

The presenter has spent years with an image with which she feels comfortable and very pretty. A long hair with soft layers -sometimes with longer or shorter bangs-, but that for 2023 has updated. We noticed a clear cutting the tips who bring their haircut closer to a medium length (or long bob) in its longest version.

They have also made a studied layer work (from the area of ​​​​the cheekbones) with which it frames your face and favors a lot. Layered haircuts, from the most extreme to the most subtle, have returned to hair trends like never before and Nuria Roca has not been left behind in this movement.

Women believe that after a certain age they “can’t” continue wearing long hair, examples such as Nuria Roca’s -among many others- show the opposite. You can take one long hair, with movement and super natural (which, in fact, subtracts years from our image) no matter how old you are.

In favor of Nuria Roca’s long hair? The number of possibilities that she has when it comes to combing her hair. Although it is usual to see her with her hair loose and soft waves, she can do all kinds of updos, from pigtails to bows, braids or false bob if she wants, for a day, to see herself with short hair.

Coloring and highlights by Nuria Roca

Nuria Roca

Nuria Roca

Nuria Roca in an animal print suit by Mango.

One of the most interesting publicity movements is the one that relates Nuria Roca to Wella, the color brand that has created a 100% personalized tone for her that He has returned the naturalness to his hair.

In recent months, Nuria Roca has worn marked highlights, but the trend that suits her best is that of a hair with more subtle and discreet highlights. She has returned to a chestnut with touches of luminosity of the most enviable. Nuria Roca’s highlights are somewhat more evident in the area that frames her face to illuminate the face and towards the ends, a gesture that makes them easy to maintain and that they do not need so much brushing at the time. avoid the root effect.

has joined the caramel highlights who are most popular (like Ana Milán) and who have conquered even blondes who have gone over to the world of chestnuts, including the influencer María Pombo.

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