Moisturizing cream: care tips for every skin type +2023

When it comes to facial care, we like to focus on serums, care oils and special cleansing practices. What is all too easily overlooked is the importance of a good moisturizer. And that is the basis for every further treatment. Why? We’ll tell you that and more now.

Let’s get straight to the point: A good moisturizer is the be-all and end-all of skincare, beauty routine and a must-have in the bathroom closet. If you don’t regularly pamper your skin with the necessary moisture and care, you don’t even have to worry about serums, face masks and the like. You have to say it so bluntly.

Skin aging, free radicals that affect our facial skin around the clock, sun exposure – all of this can have an unabated effect if we don’t regularly support our skin with the basis of every care routine, no matter how simple. Because even for cream muffles and nature lovers who swear by “less is more”, using moisturizer should be a must. We’ll also tell you why. And at the same time we looked at which different products the different skin types need, which “problem cases” there are and what you should look out for when buying a moisturizing cream.

Why is a good moisturizer so important?

Our skin is naturally designed to take care of itself. Especially with moisture. But numerous (external and internal) influences can ensure that there is a kind of lack of water in our skin. In summer this can be too much sun (for the skin), in winter it can be heating air and temperatures in the minus range. In such situations, our epidermis, which actually ensures that the skin’s water reservoir is well filled, needs a little help from outside. The simplest solution: a good moisturizer.

Of course, our age also plays a role in this topic. Because the older we get, the more the fat production of the sebaceous glands decreases. Our skin loses elasticity and resilience; she’s getting drier. In short: Here, too, it makes more than sense to help with a suitable moisturizing cream or to support the skin.

Dry skin can have minor to major, sometimes very unpleasant consequences. A lot is possible, from a slight feeling of tightness to varying degrees of itching to dandruff or even cracks. Germs and other pests also have an easy time with dry skin. But that need not be. You can easily avoid these problems with skin care that suits your skin type, i.e. moisturizing cream.

Different moisturizing cream for day and night

Actually, the term “moisturizer” stands for two beauty products that should not be missing in any household: a day cream and a night cream. More attention is often paid to day care – possibly because we “get” more of it. This means that people with very dry skin, for example, are more likely to feel during the day whether their skin is sufficiently moisturized thanks to day care than at night when they are asleep. However, at this point we must once again emphasize the importance of good night cream Clues. Especially at night, even if we don’t notice it much, a moisturizer can work particularly well. Not only does our body collect new energy and regenerate while we sleep – our skin also uses these hours to recover from environmental influences and the stresses of the day. So when we go into the different skin types and the corresponding needs, as well as suitable products below, we will always keep an eye on the time of day.

Which moisturizer for combination skin?

Combination skin is a problem in many ways. Because while people with dry skin “only” have to worry about moisturizing their skin regularly, people with combination skin are faced with the problem: how does the overly dry part of my skin get enough moisture and the part that tends to shine and excess fat does not get enough moisture additional incentive to produce sebum and fat? Fortunately, the cosmetics industry has been aware of this problem for a long time, so there is a sufficient selection of face creams that meet both requirements. The most important purchase criterion should be that the moisturizing cream contains as little oil as possible or is completely oil-free.

For example, hyaluron helps to regulate the skin’s moisture storage, while, for example, nettle extracts as an ingredient influence excess sebum production. If you want to be on the safe side, you can of course also use two different products for the T-zone – the forehead, nose and chin area, which is too oily for combination skin – and the dry areas. With the right moisturizer, however, this is actually superfluous.

Our tips

For the day:

For the night:

Which moisturizer for dry skin?

If you tend to have dry skin, you should make sure that the moisturizing cream is rich enough and, above all, avoid ingredients such as alcohol or perfume, which if the concentration in the product is too high, will only further remove moisture. Rich vegetable oils can easily compensate for the necessary alcohol in the care product (if the ratio is right). Good examples of this are jojoba oil, argan oil or avocado oil.

Our tips

For the day:

For the night:

Which moisturizer for oily skin?

Facial skin that is constantly shiny, prone to breakouts, or feels greasy is very uncomfortable. Of course, you don’t want to promote this effect by applying a heavy, rich moisturizing cream that is unnecessarily greasy. If you have oily skin, you should rather use light products, such as gels and water-based, for day care instead of oily creams. The distinction between fat and moisture is crucial here.

Our tips

For the day:

For the night:

Which moisturizer for sensitive skin?

There are also special care products for sensitive skin that are tailored to specific needs and, for example, do not contain fragrances. It is also advisable to use products that have as few effective ingredients as possible instead of bulk. Sensitive skin can quickly become stressed and irritated by too many ingredients in a face cream. Something we want to avoid as much as possible.

Our tips

For the day:

For the night:

Which moisturizer for mature skin?

As already mentioned above, the demands of our skin also change with age. Resilience, elasticity and more moisture are then in demand. Smaller or even significant wrinkles cannot be completely avoided in the long term even with a face cream, but certain ingredients in moisturizing creams for mature skin can counteract this. (Although, admittedly, lifestyle, diet, and sun-worshipping are far more influential.)

Our tips

For the day:

For the night:

Which moisturizing cream for impure skin or acne?

Be careful if you have oily, impure or even acne-prone skin. Many products that “treat” such problem cases are sometimes quite aggressive. In addition to the positive effect that the impurities or similar disappear, this can also have negative consequences. The skin reacts about stressed and irritated; the skin becomes sensitive. Therefore, a particularly thorough look at the ingredients of the moisturizer is required here. Some such remedies work with too much alcohol. This removes fat and sebum, but in the worst case it dries out the skin too much. Here, too, the rule applies that the further up an ingredient is listed, the more of it is contained.

Our tips

For the day:

For the night:

What to do with damaged skin?

Damage to the skin can have many causes – both intentional and unintentional. The best examples here are probably minor injuries such as cuts or abrasions, sunburn or even minor burns. For minor injuries or sunburn, a cream provide wonderful help with aloe vera. The little miracle plant combines many good properties. For example, it has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, regenerates cells and contains enzymes, vitamins and minerals.

Our tip

How do I apply a moisturizer?

There is actually a lot that needs to be ignored when it comes to using a moisturizer – regardless of whether it is a day or night care product. Nevertheless, we have summarized a few basic things that you should consider in order to get the most out of your care.

  • Before making a purchase, take a close look at your skin. what does she need If so, what “problem” would you like to address? Do you have dry skin or even sensitive skin?
  • If you are unsure, consult a dermatologist.
  • Make sure that you use a moisturizer that suits your skin type so that you don’t “overcare” your skin, to prevent pimples and impurities or, conversely, not to dry out your skin.
  • Too many ingredients can overwhelm some skin types. When in doubt, opt for a moisturizer with fewer ingredients.
  • Creams without preservatives are preferable, but they harbor the risk of germs being deposited during use. If you choose a moisturizer without preservatives, you should either use a cream in a dispenser instead of a jar or choose the smallest possible jar size.
  • Always apply moisturizer to thoroughly cleansed skin.

You should avoid these ingredients as much as possible:

  • synthetic preservatives such as formaldehyde, parabens
  • Mineral oils, paraffins, synthetic glycerin
  • benzophenone
  • Plasticizers, especially phthalates
  • silicones

These moisturizers can do more:

As mentioned earlier, a moisturizer is a must for everyone. But for some people that’s not enough. The face cream only forms the basis for further beauty steps, such as applying make-up or similar. Others, on the other hand, expect more from a good moisturizing cream and may also want to skip one or the other subsequent step or offer their skin additional protection . Here are two examples of moisturizers that can do more:

  • tinted day cream: A tinted day cream can replace a foundation or powder. However, there is such a large selection of different creams here – have you ever heard of BB/CC/DD/EE cream?! – which we cannot go into further here.
  • Moisturizing creams with SPF: This day care is not only a good idea in summer or on sunny days. If you don’t want to reach for sunscreen right away, you should pay attention to a sun protection factor that is already integrated in your everyday moisturizer.

When a moisturizer isn’t enough, what is there to supplement?

Taking some time for yourself now and then, giving your skin a little extra attention – many women love that. And they are free to choose: whether they opt for a rich serum, regular moisturizing masks or a nourishing oil, such as argan or castor oil, is at your own discretion. Depending on what is good for your own skin and what it needs most at the moment.

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