Meghan Markle finds herself caught up in controversy over a single ‘expensive’ frame in the ‘Harry & Meghan’ teaser +2023

Peace has become a luxury since Netflix dropped the teaser for Harry & Megan Documentary. The teaser of the series appears to be in sync with the Opera interview the couple gave after leaving the royal family. Much like the Duke and Duchess of Sussex came out to tell their truth in front of Oprah and give fans never-before-heard information about what’s going on in the royal family, Prince Harry can be seen saying, “No one knows what happens behind closed doors” in the short teaser.

While Harry & Megan The teaser is only one minute long and consists mainly of black and white images with voiceover. Netflix definitely knew what it was doing when they chose these images. Holding a picture of Meghan Markle crying in her hand just before the controversial moment the Sussexes sat behind the royal family at Westminster Abbey in 2019 is certainly no coincidence. While it’s definitely baffling to see how a 60-second clip managed to create such an uproar, one image from the teaser in particular takes home the cake for being the most messy or the most controversial, depending on which icing you prefer.

The Hermes blanket has a special appearance in the Harry & Meghan Netflix documentary

In a shocking turn of events, Harry and Meghan were dethroned (all pun intended). No, we’re not talking about the royal decree, we’re talking about the teaser of their much-anticipated one Netflix Documentary. A luxurious $3,000 blanket has starred in the short teaser, in which the couple reciprocates by taking their story into their own hands. While the teaser has caused the controversy it was meant to cause, the image of Meghan Markle crying, placed naturally in an attempt to highlight her distress, has received backlash.

Given that the royals are in the news in one way or another, it’s easy to forget that this is a family that spends billions annually.

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And the image of Markle crying on a Hermes blanket with only chills in the background was definitely a very sour pill, especially as the common man grapples with inflation in the economy.

If Twitter oozed love and support as the couple came out to express the racism and discrimination they faced, neither did they hold back to point out the “ingratitude.” The pair have also received backlash for their public attempt and privacy. The release of the trailer just as the Cambridges embark on their US tour also caused some excitement.

What do you think of the teaser? Let us know in the comments below.

The post “Meghan Markle Finds Herself in Controversy Over a Single ‘Expensive’ Frame in Harry & Meghan Teaser” appeared first on Netflix Junkie.

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