Meghan Markle donates her 500 favorite bags in the UK


Meghan Markle donates her 500 favorite bags in the UK +2023

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have given up royalty and dedicated their lives to the good of society. Even before her official renunciation, the Duchess, along with the Duke, always believed in the legacy of putting people’s needs ahead of their own. From fighting for young parents to helping them get back to work, they do it all. Have you heard of Meghan Markle’s recent charity for Britain’s women?

Meghan Markle and her fascination with her accessories is not an unknown fact. There is always something associated with the Duchess that sets her apart. Whether it’s her fearless and brave personality or the way she presents herself in public, everything amazes the crowd she moves in. Add to that her massive collection of bags and trinkets, all of which are meant to be put to good use.

Meghan Markle decides to give away 500 of her favorite bags to UK job seekers

The Duchess of Sussex has reportedly recently teamed up with a famous US brand Cuyana for real reasons. The brand has established itself as one of the highest quality craftsmanship for women. Meghan Markle has therefore decided to give away 500 Cuyana Tote handbags to women in the UK support the way back to work.

That Smart Works charity Foundation will support timeless apparel and accessories, each retailing for $248. The Duchess will be the patron of the whole process. She claimed that the foundation did a wonderful job of providing job interview clothing and accessories to unemployed women. So the addition of these 500 bags will be an even bigger boost for women looking for work in the UK.

The announcement came ahead of the special week of the month that encourages people to help those in need. Giving Tuesday has now taken the form of a whole new global movement. On this day, people all over the world take part in contributing to the betterment of society. This is followed by Black Friday and then Cyber ​​Monday during the week. These appear to be demanding huge deals and discounts on legitimate brands for customers around the world.

ALSO READ: “Extensive paid leave should not be a place for compromise…” – As Meghan Markle wrote to the US Congress to defend her stance on women’s empowerment

How did you like the idea of ​​Meghan Markle using her collections forever?

The post ‘Meghan Markle donates her 500 favorite UK bags’ first appeared on Netflix Junkie.

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