Make-up for carnival
Brilliant ideas for your make-up

© Dean Drobot / Shutterstock
At carnival the revelers are loose again! It’s not just about the costumes, but also about the right make-up. We have the best ideas on how to put on make-up for carnival.
The most important thing about carnival are the carnival costumes. But a costume is only completed by the make-up. Whether glamorous, sexy, funny or scary like on Halloween – we have collected cool make-up ideas and make-up tips for you and explain how you can put on make-up for carnival.
Do you want to put on make-up for carnival? What you need for makeup:
Make-up tips for carnival – so no jerk will recognize you
Dressing up is the supreme discipline at carnival and carnival. Every year even the thoroughbred carnival fanatic needs a few suggestions for costumes and carnival make-up. We have collected a few make-up instructions for you.
1. Make-up instructions: The clown
The clown always goes. Man or woman, the make-up template can conveniently be kept identical. It’s important white theater make-up, which frames the mouth and eye. For exact black borders you can use one eyeliner take it, it lasts longer than black kajal and can be applied more precisely than black make-up with a brush. Red nose, red cheeks, long painted eyelashes – the carnival classic is done.
2. Make-up instructions: The mystical dragon (for professionals)
If you have more plans for carnival, you can go hunting for Bützchen as a mystical dragon. For this, however, you have to make an appointment in the airbrush make-up studio in good time. Otherwise you can also use one template and airbrush technique (for the dragon skin) or brush try to realize the make-up instructions. Our DIY solution: The area around the eyes can also be implemented in the bathroom at home, if you can live with less perfectionism, draw borders in the pattern of the dragon skin with an eyeliner and paint them with metallic colors or use fishnet tights to help.
3. Make-up instructions: The giraffe
Attention animal lovers, this make-up for carnival is super easy to implement and still looks really good. You need: Eye shadow in shades of browna contouring pencil (for the cheeks), a dark red or brown one lipstickand brown makeup color. You get the right glow Bronzing powder. If you like it dramatic, you can do it individually eyelash elements stick to the lower lash line.
4. Make-up instructions: Bambi
Also easy to imitate at carnival: the disguise as a shy deer. As a costume you can pull brown clothes out of the closet, combined with fake fur, a hair band or a headband Headband with reeds put – supplemented with a few branches from the garden. Important for this look: Grab a straightening iron and pull through individual strands of hair – meanwhile twisting the straightening iron. This is how relaxed curls are created. Otherwise you only need carnival make-up in White and Brown and eyeliner.
Make-up instructions for beginners who want to put on stylish make-up for carnival
However, everyone (sober people) recognizes you immediately – but with this make-up you have the certainty that you still look pretty even in the most insane turmoil. Red and Green on lips and eyebrows, otherwise plenty of gold dust and heavily mascaraed eyelashes.
Carnival: face painting for children
Spiderman or mouse? Elsa or lion? We have cute ideas for children of all ages: face painting with simple templates.
Here we have even more ideas on how to make the decorations for carnival yourself, carnival recipes and instructions on how to sew your own carnival costume.