LED mask: What can light therapy do at home? +2023

An LED mask promises even skin within a very short time. What can light therapy really do? How does an LED mask work and is the beauty tool harmful? Here are all the answers.

What is an LED mask?

LED masks are light therapy devices. With them should Reduce blemishes, wrinkles and even acne to let. In addition, the masks, which are often made of plastic or silicone and have the shape of a face, against skin diseases such as psoriasis and rosacea be effective. For the most part, LED masks are used in beauty salons. Meanwhile, there are also those that are intended for home use.

How does an LED mask work?

LED masks have more than 100 small LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) on the inside. They can penetrate up to ten millimeters deep into the skin and thus also reach the deeper layers of the skin, where they are stimulate metabolic processes. The LEDs generate light in a wide variety of colors and wavelengths, which has the advantage that different skin problems can be combated with one LED mask.

What effect does LED light have on the skin?

Anyone who has ever dealt with LEDs in more detail knows that each color of light has a specific wavelength. This allows them to penetrate the surface of the skin at different depths and unfold their effect there. Exactly how this works is not that complicated. The energy released creates an electrical voltage signal under the skin, which has certain effects on our skin. The important thing here is the wavelength, which is given in nanometers. To put it more simply: Basically, the same amount of energy is always given off. However, the light waves unfold their effect in different places, which allows the effect of the treatment to vary.

What effect do the individual light colors have?

In order to meet the needs of your skin, it is important to know what effects the individual light colors have during light therapy. Most masks come with a wide range of colors, but only very few colors have been scientifically proven to have an effect on the skin. Therefore, the most common blue and red light used. In addition, there is also green, yellow, pink and white light – the effectiveness of which has not been proven.

Red light (about 550 to 640 nanometers)

The red light of the LED masks is a popular one anti aging tool. Red light penetrates deepest into the skin and stimulates it there collagen production on. Fine lines are supposed to be padded and the formation of new wrinkles slowed down. The red light stimulates the blood flow and microcirculation on, which leads to detoxification of the skin and at the same time for you fresh, healthy complexion cares. With long-term and regular use, the skin can regenerate well as part of red light therapy.

Blue light (about 420 to 490 nanometers)

Blue light does not penetrate the skin as deeply as red light. Nevertheless, the effect should not be underestimated. This light color of the LEDs works anti-inflammatory and disinfectant. Therefore, it is the ideal light therapy at imperfections or to acne tending skin. Thanks to the sebum-regulating effect, blackheads, pimples and oily skin can be reduced. What has not been scientifically proven, but comes up again and again, is the assumption that blue light influences the hormone balance. Accordingly, it may help with winter depression and sleep disorders.

Green light (about 490 to 575 nanometers)

The effectiveness of green light has not been scientifically proven. Nevertheless, the light color is used in many LED masks. Mainly, the green light should make your complexion glowin which Bacteria and cellular waste removed will. Above all, however, the green light serves to rest and relaxation, because we associate it with nature. It can also be of help with migraines.

Which LED mask is the best?

There are now a wide variety of LED masks in different price categories. But which is the best light therapy device to use at home? One for 50 euros or rather those that cost several hundred euros? First and foremost, it should be noted which device is suitable for the individual skin problems. And: Not all lights have a proven effect. The number of different light colors is not a decisive criterion when looking for the best LED mask.

MZ skin mask

That MZ Skin Light-Therapy Golden Facial Treatment Device is an LED mask with five different light colors. The healing combination of LED light soothes and rejuvenates while visibly reducing hyperpigmentation. The mask has a total of 150 diodes on its inside.

dr Dennis Gross

the LED mask by Dr. Dennis Gross has blue and red light. dr Incidentally, Dennis Gross is considered the pioneer of LED masks for home use. The device enjoys international popularity and is one of the few over-the-counter LED tools that are also used in beauty salons. What the LED mask from Dr. What distinguishes Dennis Gross from many other products is that red and blue light are used at the same time. So you can fight hyperpigmentation, inflammation, wrinkling and acne at the same time. Incidentally, the manufacturer recommends a daily application of two minutes.

Project E Beauty LED mask

the Project E Beauty LED mask comes with seven different light colors. The special thing about the mask: it works without a cable. Instead there is a remote control. A device for the neck is also included.

What do you have to consider when using it?

Before you start using light therapy at home, you should consider the following safety aspects:

  • hold yours Eyes always during treatment closed.
  • Ideally, wear one as well eye maskto protect your eyes from the LED light.
  • Do not use the LED mask if you are pregnant or taking medication that increases the skin’s sensitivity to light (eg St. John’s wort).
  • If you’re unsure, you can Treatment in a dermatological practice or at the cosmetics agree – this way application errors can be completely avoided.

Application: How to use the LED mask for the face

  1. Thoroughly remove sebum, makeup, and other product residue from your face. When applying, your face should clean and dry be.
  2. To prepare the skin well for the intensive light therapy, you can use a calming care serum Instruct.
  3. Now set the desired duration and light color. Here you should definitely Observe the manufacturer’s instructions – Each LED mask works differently.
  4. Now put on your goggles and get comfortable. Then place the mask on the face with the appropriate openings for the mouth, eyes and nose, attach it and switch it on.
  5. Try to relax throughout light therapy. A podcast, meditation, or music can help.
  6. Remove the mask after use. If you like, you can support the light therapy with other applications. You could apply a serum, do a facial massage, or help with anti-aging creams.

How often should you use an LED mask?

Regular and correct use of the LED mask is essential for visible changes. In general, you should use light therapy two to three times a week for 20 minutes each time execute.

Are LED masks harmful?

Regarding the use of LED masks at home, there are not only positive but also critical voices. There are various studies that have examined LED masks and show frightening results. The light should harmful to the eyes and retina be. According to a French study, blue LED light can promote the development of age-related macular degeneration (an eye disease that attacks the retina at the back of the eye). Besides, it could trigger oxidative stress, which makes us age faster – according to this, exactly what is actually supposed to be prevented is achieved. In addition, light therapy can side effects such as eye pain, tears, blurred vision, spots in the field of vision or an altered color perception.

Conclusion: LED masks for the home – yes or no?

So are LED masks good or bad? There is no general answer to this – after all, many factors play a role in the evaluation. In any case, it is important to always follow the manufacturer’s instructions exactly and to protect your eyes well. In addition, it is worth examining the devices carefully before buying them. Are the LED masks clinically tested? If you are unsure, it is better to leave the light therapy to a professional. In most cases, cosmetic studios have LED masks that are not freely available on the market and can operate them without errors.

Sources used: chemistry.de, pubmed.gov

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