Late acne: What really helps against pimples and blackheads! +2023

For women over 30, acne and pimples are particularly distressing. The most interesting questions and answers about late acne from the expert advice.

Pimples, acne, blackheads – why adult acne is so persistent

The figures show that late acne, which dermatologists call acne tarda, is not a rare problem, but affects many: every fourth woman between the ages of 25 and 45 struggles with late acne. The altered hormonal balance, diet and skin care play an important role in this.

Causes of late acne – are hormones to blame?

If the balance of sex hormones is disturbed, this can lead to skin problems. Become too many male sex hormones produced, this can lead to the skin’s sebaceous glands producing too much sebum and the pores becoming calloused. These then clog and blackheads and pimples develop. After hormonal changes, like that stopping the pill or one birthand later also during the menopause, the skin also changes.

Skin care for late acne

Impure skin needs special care that is not too greasy and heavy. You should be particularly careful with night creams and creams with anti-aging promises. Checking active ingredients is the order of the day: Some ingredients that also help against acne (e.g. fruit acidsretinol) make the skin appear smoother and plumper.

There are also various anti-wrinkle products especially for adult women with impure skin, for example Day creams with sun protection factor. To reduce dry skin on the forehead and wrinkles around the eyes and mouth, help too serumswhich not only ensure firm skin but also do without substances that are harmful to the pores – such as silicones, paraffins, parabens, mineral oil and general comedogenic substances that clog the pores and thus promote acne.

The proper cleaning is also important for beautiful skin. It must not be aggressive, otherwise it irritates the skin and aggravates inflammation. One cleansing milk and a gentle one toner help to remove dirt from the skin.

late acne? The best tips from the dermatologist

Grown up a long time ago, but your skin behaves like it does during puberty? Acne is particularly distressing for women over 30. dr Birgit Kunze, dermatologist and founder of the Association “Acne Forum” answered questions about late acne in the community.

Here we publish, partially abbreviated, the most interesting questions and the answers of the expert on the subject of late acne. You can read all the expert advice on late acne in the community.

The late acne advice: “pill” discontinued and the skin goes crazy – what now?

Haasidi, 36, writes: “I never had problems with pimples and acne during puberty. I took the pill for about ten years and stopped at the age of 28. Since then my skin has been going crazy, mainly on my back and décolleté. What options are there apart from the pill, this one get rid of the problem?”

dr Birgit Kunze answers: “In my opinion, for example, in your case, an attempt with fruit acid worthwhile. That means you are a fruit acid product Get hold of at least six to ten percent fruit acid.

Treat with this every evening for at least four weeks. There will probably be an improvement after that. If not, I recommend an additional fruit acid treatment at the beautician. If there is no improvement after three treatments, there might be one antibiotic therapy a good option at the dermatologist.”

The acne advice: what to do against oily skin with large pores?

Sealheart, 29, writes: “I’ve struggled with blemished skin for 15 years. There have been fewer big pimples now, but my skin has become oilier throughout my twenties. Every other pore is a thick blackhead (that’s how I feel), the skin is quite coarse and large pores and there are small scars on the cheeks.My scalp is also greasy, I have to wash my hair every day.

As far as care is concerned, I’ve already gone through almost everything, dermatologist, various products from drugstores, natural cosmetics with greasy creams, the pill didn’t help either. What can I do to at least not get any more scars?”

dr Birgit Kunze answers: “With your problem, it is worth considering to what extent oral intake of isotretinoin, a vitamin A acid derivative, makes sense for you.”

If there is no current desire to have children and reliable contraception is available, my recommendation would be: Isotretinoin in a ‘low-dose’. That would get rid of your problems pretty quickly: the cure would last about six months.”

The Acne Advice: Where do the giant pimples come from when the skin is otherwise clear?

Molly Malone, 35, writes: “Never in my life have I ever had pimples, not even during puberty! And now? Still very clear skin, few blackheads, etc. – but permanent huge pimples. And admittedly I can never keep my hands off them. I have in the I have changed the product series several times in the last few months. Is it possible that the constant switching is responsible for my problems?

dr Birgit Kunze answers: “It doesn’t sound like acne to me, it sounds more like one Intolerance reaction to the moisturizing products! Your last suggestion to stick with these products is very commendable.

It is best to supplement the whole thing by taking zinc tablets. If there is no improvement overall, I recommend an allergy test by a dermatologist!

The Acne Advice: How To Treat Acne On Dry Skin?

Battle Rabbit, 31, writes: “I’ve suffered from acne since I stopped taking the pill five years ago. Since I also have very dry skin, I don’t have any pimples on my forehead, but I do have dry lines. I’ve now been prescribed a wide variety of creams and ointments by eight dermatologists, including with erythromycin, isotretinoin, azelaic acid, salicylic acid. The only thing that helps – but only on the forehead – is a cream with adapalene. Unfortunately, I can no longer take the pill due to a thrombosis incident.”

dr Birgit Kunze answers: “Acne on dry skin is very difficult to treat! As you probably know, as soon as you use classic acne products, you dry out your skin further. On the other hand, products that care for your skin are more likely to lead to the formation of acne.

In your case I would find one laser treatment makes the most sense: Laser is bundled light and has a very good influence on the bacterial infestation of your skin. Then you can also care for your skin as it needs it – if necessary, newly created changes can simply be lasered away.

Alternatively one comes light treatment In question: In the best case, colored light (blue and red light have proven themselves here), possibly also UV radiation from a dermatologist. This avoids the problem of further drying out your skin from acne treatment.”

The Acne Advice: Are Salicylic Acid Peels Harmful?

Maya, 38, writes: “I’ve had acne since my puberty, sometimes more, sometimes less, also with the pill. It was only significantly better during my pregnancy. Now I have a lot of blackheads and pimples again, especially on the chin and around the nose. Otherwise I have combination skin , also somewhat sensitive.

I’ve tried quite a few things, drugstore items, natural cosmetics, antibiotic cream, vitamin A acid cream, salicylic peelings. The latter were the only thing that really helped, but I don’t know if that might not be harmful in the long run.”

dr Birgit Kunze answers: “I can reassure you: a Salicylic acid peeling is – even in the long run – harmless! If it has helped, that’s very good – salicylic acid dissolves the cornification disorders excellently and comedones (‘blackheads’) can be removed with it without any problems.

I definitely recommend regular treatments. If these sufficiently eliminate the problem, no further measures are necessary. Otherwise, another visit to the dermatologist would make sense.”

What helps against pimples and impure skin? check nutrition

Dermatologists often advise their patients to avoid dairy products. In some cases, a special type of milk is to blame for the sprouting of the pimples. Namely, fat-free skim milk. Your whey proteins are said to increase insulin levels.

Insulin is also held responsible for the development of chronic inflammatory processes. Late acne patients should therefore avoid an elevated insulin level. Sugar is also a big issue because it has been shown to change the size of the sebaceous glands and has an impact on the increased production of sebum.

The same applies to too much fat and alcohol, as these attack the cells from the inside and can promote sebum formation.

Unsure about what to eat or how to care for your skin? We tell you the biggest beauty sins of skin care.

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