James Charles wheezes off the internet as he sneaks up on Ryan Reynolds and Noah Schnapp in the PCA +2023

The People’s Choice Awards not only gave us a live broadcast of Shania Twain replacing Brad Pitt with Ryan Reynolds in her performance, but also a multiverse of insanity that would give Marvel a chance. The awards show brought us a trio we never knew we needed. And it looks like some of us really didn’t need it. While the performances and awards are definitely interesting, it’s the interaction of our favorite stars that makes awards shows as fascinating as they are.

Again this year, the People’s Choice Award brought us priceless interaction. And starring Ryan Reynolds, with a film that grossed millions at the box office, and Noah Schnapp, who plays almost everyone’s favorite character on Netflix’s flagship entertainment show stranger thingsThey were probably discussing their strategy of taking over the world with their wit and charm, James Charles couldn’t help but interrupt. The transition between different spheres of entertainment makes people wince, gasp and roll on their floors.

What did James Charles do again?

Charles became a celebrity on YouTube after posting numerous creative makeup looks. He also invented the “Hey, Sisters!” Catchphrase that has seeped into almost every mannerisms. While Charles is not lacking in opulence, his recent involvement in controversy has made him the perfect candidate to star in a film by the title Fall of James Charles.

Despite the controversy, Charles has persevered in doing what he does best: making YouTube videos. He’s also had some really awkward interactions with celebrities at events. We haven’t forgotten the 2019 Met Gala. The trend continued at this year’s People’s Choice Awards.

James Charles met Ryan Reynolds and Noah Schnapp at the awards ceremony. This year the Dead Pool Actor won People’s Icon Award, Noah Schnapp won Male TV Star and James Charles? Well, he was a good athlete.

The meeting between the three celebrities left a lot of feelings among fans. We’ll ignore the section that believes James Charles was out of place for a conversation with Reynolds and Schnapp. Because not the fact that he joined the conversation, but how he joined it made it emerge as a winner on our Worst Moments of 2022 list.

A viral video on the internet captures the exact moment James Charles walked over to where Reynolds and Schnapp were talking and just stood there. The actors were so engrossed in their conversation that they didn’t see him for a good minute or so.

This interaction between James Charles, Ryan Reynolds and Noah Schnapp is exactly what our social anxiety nightmare looks like. But thankfully, Schnapp noticed the YouTube star and gave him a side hug. And the Dead Pool actor followed.

ALSO READ: Ryan Reynolds is a marketing genius, and the NHL knows it

While the debate over whether James Charles should have interrupted the actors is a discussion for Twitteratis and the Disciplinary Board, we’re more interested in the topic of the discussion Reynolds and Schnapp immersed themselves in. Let us know what you think they talked about in the comments.

James Charles Leaves the Internet Wheezing as He Creeps up to Ryan Reynolds and Noah Schnapp at the PCA appeared first on Netflix Junkie.

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