It took Arnold Schwarzenegger 75 years to reflect on and share his father’s advice: “Being…” +2023

Arnold Schwarzenegger is one of those actors who has the most interesting stories to tell. Not only because the actor has an interesting background, but also because things were very different when he was making films. Add his tenure as Governor of California and he’s the perfect person to invite to campfires. While The Terminator The most headline-grabbing actor has directed several films and has been around for more than five decades.

Whether it’s bodybuilding, acting or his tenure as Governor of California, there’s one thing that has remained a constant in the actor’s life. And that gives something back to people. As the actor turned 75 this year, he had some timeless advice for his fans. But other than that, the actor himself finally understood the advice his father gave him when he was little.

Arnold Schwarzenegger shares his father’s advice with his fans

After the pandemic shut down everything around us, most of us emerged wiser. And someone like Arnold Schwarzenegger, who is already wise enough, definitely came out to break the glass ceiling. When the actor turned 75, he didn’t spend his time at a party full of people, but actually published a newsletter on his special website.

Aside from the usual gratitude towards his fans, the former governor wrote down his goals and also shared something more personal. Schwarzenegger on his official website revealed advice his father had given him.

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My father always said, “Be useful, Arnold.” I listened when I was young, but it didn’t mean as much as it means. 75 years of life have taught me that it means everything‘ said the actor. Being useful is definitely some tough advice from his father. And it seems Schwarzenegger has always followed suit.

The actor left the competition to help train other builders and during his time as governor he helped and still does various charities. Alongside this valuable advice, Schwarzenegger reminded his fans of the importance of spreading kindness. The actor also expressed his disdain for the normality with which social media fosters negativity. At 75, the actor isn’t stopping anytime soon and is busy filming a new one Netflix Series.

What do you think of the advice? Let us know in the comments below.

The post It Took 75 Years Before Arnold Schwarzenegger Reflected and Shared His Father’s Advice “Being…” first appeared on Netflix Junkie.

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