It is super tasty pajamas and it costs less than 15 euros +2023

If your invisible friend is one of those who Christmas instead of Love Actually, he prefers to binge-watch Harry Potter movies, he has read the books so many times that he recite them by heart and collect funkos of each of the characters, we have the perfect present for her.

The 55 best Christmas movies (and where to see them) to binge on no matter what genre we like

Perfect for several reasons, among the main ones, that fits within budget -generally limited- of gifts for an invisible friend, because it does not even come close to the round figure of 20 euros.


It is a knitted pajama, tasty and warm with your favorite theme, Harry Potterwhich we found in Lild for only 14.99 euros.

Harry Potter Pajamas for women gray

Harry Potter Pajamas for women gray

Matching house slippers

What’s more, if it allows us to stretch the budget a little more, at 22 euro In total, we can add something else to complete the gift: the house slippers to match the pajamas.


In this case it is a pair of fleece slippers -also very hot- that can be part of our great detail for only 6.99 euros.

Harry Potter Beige slippers for adults

Harry Potter Beige slippers for adults

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Note: toSome of the links in this article are affiliated and may report a benefit to Trendencias

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Photos | @paulaordovasThe English Court.

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