self love
Influencer shows how “perfect” Instagram bodies are lied to

Danae Mercer: Ruthlessly honest in a beautiful world of illusion
Influencer Danae Mercer already showed clearly in 2021 how mendacious the majority of photos on Instagram are. In the video you can see how extremely cheating is done on the image platform in order to show “perfect” bodies.
It’s all just appearances: Somehow most of us are already aware that not every picture on Instagram is true. But how much a large number of the photos shown is actually based on trickery and shameless lies is still shocking. Influencer Danae Mercer shows on her channel how little effort it takes experienced professionals to fake absolute perfection.
bikini body? We all have!
Mercer actually takes the #nofilter hashtag seriously – and confidently shares bikini photos in which she doesn’t even try to hide her cellulite. Above all, the direct comparison to conventional Instagram postings is impressive: the 33-year-old is often shown on the left in an artificial pose that hides supposed “problem areas” – and on the right in a natural pose that depicts reality in front of the camera. She sums up the problem perfectly herself: “It’s easy to make everyone happy. Adapt and gently and quietly give in to the voices that scream the loudest or hurt the most,” she writes in a post. “But if we try to please everyone, we become nobody. We fade. We lose ourselves.”
A matter of attitude
In her clips, she shows particularly impressively how much the perspective and posture simulate things in the pictures that look completely different in reality. Cellulite on the thighs or the tummy that doesn’t match the image disappear from one second to the next. At the latest when she demonstrates how widespread Photoshop manipulation really is, it becomes clear: it is completely insane to compare yourself to Instagram models in frustration. Firstly, the body ideal celebrated there is staged completely arbitrarily as a supposed “model” – and secondly, it simply does not exist in reality at all. In the video you can see how bold the photo fraud really is.
Source used: archive