How to Find the Best Plastic Surgeon for Great Results + Avoid Risks + 2023

Who wouldn’t want that feeling with satisfaction by looking in the mirror and thinking about how happy and beautiful you feel? Thanks to the developing technology, aesthetic surgery, which aims to improve the person’s appearance, self-confidence and perspective on life, has undoubtedly come a long way. It has become one of the most popular surgeries with life-changing results. Many plastic surgery options are available for everyone, applied to any part of the face and body. However, cosmetic surgery is a serious issue that should not be taken lightly. This article will explain why you should choose a certified surgeon, how to find the best in the field, and what to look out for. Scroll to learn more about it.

Things to consider

Choose the Best Surgeon for the Right Reasons

before passing cosmetic surgeryIt is important to reconsider and reevaluate everything so that you do not have surgery for the wrong reasons, such as your insecurities. If it’s due to low self-esteem and flaws you may have, you can always consider getting some counseling.

Be clear about your motivations and aspirations when choosing the right surgeon.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Will I be satisfied with my appearance after the surgery?
  • Am I choosing plastic surgery to please myself or others?
  • Do I feel comfortable communicating and asking questions to my surgeon?
  • Are my expectations realistic?
  • Are you undergoing surgery because of low self-esteem or negative self-image?
  • Am I aware of the potential surgical risks and post-operative recovery or recovery?
  • Have you considered non-surgical alternatives?

What is the Right Surgeon?

If you are considering cosmetic surgery, your choice of surgeon is very important. An inexperienced surgeon will inevitably have an impact on your entire life and emotional state, leading to additional costs, time and unsatisfactory results. Also, keep in mind that there are many different areas of plastic surgery that require different skills.

Finding a board-certified plastic surgeon with significant experience in the field is essential to achieving the results you desire. It is equally important to ensure that the operating facility is accredited. Therefore, have face-to-face meetings and consultations with surgeons and have the courage to ask them your questions.

Whereat Ask a Surgeon?

  • Are you board approved? Make sure your plastic surgeon is board-certified.
  • Do you have extensive experience in your field?
  • How many times have you performed this procedure? Make sure your surgeon is skilled and has performed similar operations multiple times.
  • How many transactions did you make in total?
  • Is the operating environment a fully accredited operating facility?
  • What kind of training did you go through?

Fly: Be sure to do your research well, read interview reviews, and communicate with the surgeon’s previous patients who have had previous experience with it.

Fly: If you are considering surgery in Turkey, you can ensure that your surgeon is certified. EBOPRAS (European Board of Plastic Surgery) or ABPS (American Board of Plastic Surgery).

Fly: Make sure that the nurses and anesthetists, who are indispensable for your safety during surgery, are also certified and qualified.

Choose a surgeon with an attractive aesthetic sense

No wonder your surgery has given you a new look and transformed your body. Before undergoing any plastic surgery, it is always important to research surgeons and compare their results. Before and After photos, then choose the one that appeals to you the most. Make sure your surgeon and you have similar tastes in beauty.

Fly: For example, if you’re considering facial surgery, find patients your age with similar characteristics and look at B&A photos to give you an idea. Similarly, if you’re considering breast surgery, it’s important to seek out patients with a similar body type. And compare the before and after photos.

Fly: Ensure consistency in photos, reviews and results.

It is important to be comfortable with the surgeon and staff

While it is not always said out loud, it is very important that you feel comfortable talking to surgeons. Remember, surgery is a big deal and should not be taken lightly. Never hesitate to ask surgeons how their previous patients were satisfied.

Questions to Ask Yourself:

  • Do I hesitate to spend time with him and ask my questions to this surgeon?
  • Do I trust him when he recommends what is right for me?
  • Is it okay to tell him about my medical history and habits?

Wrong Plastic Surgeon Selection

Let’s say you don’t do your research well, or you probably don’t choose the surgeon because of their low fees or discounted options. In this case, a wrong surgeon who does not have sufficient skills, experience and training in the field can cause many surgical interventions and complications.

When this is the case and you are not satisfied with your results, you will need to find a qualified surgeon to correct the imperfections and correct any errors caused by the previous surgeon. Note that this type of revision surgery is a more expensive procedure.

Their customer service is also important!

Your only wish is to be served and well treated as soon as you arrive at your surgeon’s office or facility.

Questions to Ask:

  • Have the staff or staff been friendly towards me all this time?
  • Did they give me clear information about fees or package?
  • Did they prepare me for the risks and provide the necessary supplies?
  • Were they courteous when I contacted them?
  • Whenever I contacted them, were they quick in their response?

Always Maintain Realistic Expectations and Be Very Clear About Your Goals

With the development of social media and technology, it is inevitable that everyone can see the photos of their favorite celebrities and want to look like them. When this is impossible, they will have unrealistic expectations which can lead to some disappointment. Always remember that surgery is not always magic.

Yes, improving your appearance is magical, but keep your expectations realistic. In other words, don’t expect some impossible results. Always discuss effectively when meeting with doctors you trust. Be sure to convey what image you are expecting. Also, listen to your doctor. For this reason, in many cases, doctors can offer a more natural look and solutions suitable for the anatomy you are interested in.

be open minded to Non-Surgical Methods

Cosmetics today has many more non-surgical or minimally invasive medical practices or procedures that can give you a younger and fresher appearance without even going under anesthesia.

Watch out…

  • Your surgeon should not rush you or force you into the procedure.
  • If that’s the case, take time to rethink.
  • Don’t be tempted by low wages or bargain prices.
  • Your surgeon should not ignore your medical history.

Summary of all

  • Browse and view the surgeon’s patients’ Before&After image gallery
  • Read patient reviews, forums, and customer testimonials.
  • Ask friends and family for their opinions, or find someone you trust who has had a positive experience with that surgeon.
  • Look for honesty in a surgeon who will guide you realistically and directly.
  • Be prepared for any risks or potential complications that your surgery may have. Remember, no surgery is risk-free.


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