In matters of hairstyle, there is nothing written and creativity shines above all else. But if we talk about thin hairwe know how to fold the volume of the mane in a couple of minutes. We have discovered it by the hand of Chris Appletonthe stylist Jennifer Lopez, Dua Lipa either kim kardashian and who is the author of the blondes bleached and the most iconic looks of many celebrities.
In addition, this hairdresser usually always offers us the best hair tips fast for those of us who have little time and for this reason, we always have him on our radar and we turn to his Instagram account when we look for tricks when we comb our hair and find hair looks effective that get us out of trouble and allow us to embrace the best version of our hair. And specifically a hairstyle that you just proposed lately makes your fine hair look thicker.
Ponytail to give volume to fine hair
Just a couple of days ago, the stylist revealed how a hairstyle can double the volume of our ponytail if we have fine or very straight hair. After performing a high ponytail At the crown of the head, we slide the scrunchie back, then loosen it an inch or so creating a hole, and just above this we fold the ponytail under the scrunchie to create extra volume. Then we just have to adjust it and ruffle it with our fingers. And the result is getting twice as much density in the hair than with a normal ponytail because with this simple trick we can get a picked up spectacular.
However, it is not the first Chris Appleton trick that has caught our attention because we love all the easy and at the same time spectacular hair tips. Earlier this year, she also shared a two easy step tutorial on how to wear a moo messy that is also very useful to go well combed every day this season.
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