Higher Energy Savings with Silverline S5E Oven +2023

Standing out as an environmentally friendly brand with its highly energy-efficient product range, Silverline Built-ins develops products with A+ energy label, consuming less energy and providing high energy savings for a more livable world and reducing its environmental footprint. Silverline ‘S5E oven’, which has been carefully designed by combining technology and aesthetics, stands out with its modern design, cooking functions and safe use, as well as its environmentally friendly feature by consuming 23 percent less energy thanks to its A+ energy class.

Ovens are the third most energy-consuming appliances in the home. Most electric built-in ovens consume an average of 2500 watts when operating for an hour. In order to save the electricity consumed by the oven, first of all, consumers should prefer models with the A+ label, which consume less energy. Silverline Built-in Lists some tricks to consider when using an oven in order to use energy consciously and to save energy;

– Ovens with high efficiency and thermal insulation should be preferred in the use of electrical energy, the less leakage the oven makes, the faster the food is cooked.

Opening the oven door frequently while the food is cooking causes cold air to enter the oven every time, thus causing energy loss. For this reason, the oven door should not be opened more than necessary until the food is cooked.

– The residual heat left after the meal in the oven can be used for the next meal. If possible, both time and energy can be saved by cooking more than one meal at the same time in the oven.

– If the oven is turned off a few minutes before the cooking time, cooking can continue at the current temperature with less energy consumption.

-Preheating should be done only when necessary and care should be taken not to preheat for more than 10 minutes.

-Frozen food should be thawed before cooking in the oven.

– The utensils used for cooking in the oven also affect energy savings. Glass and ceramic containers can be preferred because they have the feature of cooking at lower temperatures than other containers.

‘S5E Oven’ stands out with its special cooking techniques.

Offering alternative solutions to kitchens with its products designed by focusing on the user, Silverline adds joy and innovation to kitchens with the S5E oven, which combines technology and aesthetics. With 14 cooking functions specific to different cooking techniques, S5E provides suitable heat distribution for even cooking of food with its 3D Airmove feature, which is suitable for cooking up to 3 trays. Cooking becomes easier and more enjoyable with the S5E oven, which obtains the most accurate cooking results by measuring the internal temperature of the food. In the oven, which has a large internal volume of 72 liters, the entire meal menu can be easily prepared for crowded guests. Pizza Chef feature too

The S5E oven, which is in the oven, allows the pizza to be cooked in the best way thanks to its temperature that can reach 310 degrees. Thanks to the fan system, the taste of the top ingredients is preserved, while the bottom of the dough is cooked perfectly with the support of heating from the bottom. It brings a whole new dimension to oven technology with its Steam Clean feature, which cleans food residues with steam.

For detailed information www.silverline.com

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