Have Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Quit the Royal Family for ‘Privacy’?  Responses from the couple’s press secretary


Have Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Quit the Royal Family for ‘Privacy’? Responses from the couple’s press secretary +2023

Every single sentence that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle confirmed in their documentaries has called for self-examination by the masses. Some are overwhelmed to show their bravery and break palace rules to demonstrate the dreaded horrors of locked doors. While others had overloaded their fair share of disgust and hatred for the pair. There were some sensitive comments from the couple that caused a stir in the crowd.

Many of them targeted the couple’s demands for privacy and their conflicting activities in this regard. Criticism and backlash goes a bit too far for their press secretary to step in and observe the matter. To provide an appropriate response to all online harassment, their representatives sat down with Reuters and narrowed down the controversy. Apparently, the Duke and Duchess have never had a privacy issue at all.

Press Secretary responds on behalf of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

Targeting their desire for a peaceful life away from any system political strife, notorious Harkle troll Piers Morgan had taken to Twitter to blast the couple. “Imagine bitching for privacy and then doing a kiss-and-tell reality series…?‘ the journalist tweeted a few days later Harry & Megan Publication. Others had the couple as “Few hypocrisy‘ after watching the explosive docuseries.

Still, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s press secretary has hit back at the allegations. realizing a statement Reutersthe authorities said: “The Duke and Duchess never cited privacy as a reason for their resignation.Elaborating on the misunderstanding, he said: “This distorted narrative was intended to silence the couple.

According to them, the prince and Meghan Markle are just trying to tell their story from their own perspective. It’s quite disappointing, however, that the tabloids reported a “completely untrue story.According to them, such a tapestry permeates press coverage and public opinion. Shortly after her resignation Meghan Markle sued Britain’s most legitimate tabloid, The Mail, in a court case. Nonetheless, the Duchess emerged victorious from the newspaper, which leaked the private letter she had written to her estranged father.

ALSO READ: Twitter slams the release as a “DailyFail” by digging up her previous posts about Meghan Markle amid the Netflix documentary release

What are your opinions on this? Do you also think the Sussexes have stepped back from royal duties over privacy issues?

The Post Did Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Quit the Royal Family for ‘Privacy’? The couple’s press secretary’s responses first appeared on Netflix Junkie.

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