“Grey Blending”
This hairdressing technique puts gray hair in the limelight

“Grey Blending” makes your hair shine again!
Gray hair is no reason to despair – quite the opposite! Because the hairstyle trend “Grey Blending” conjures up new freshness in the hair.
Conjure up new momentum in your hair – despite or mainly thanks to the first gray strands? This is made possible by “grey blending”. The trendy hairdressing technique that mixes gray highlights with your natural hair color and breathes new life into it.
Gray hair: this is how you stage it
Fresh, natural and even time and money-saving, because the “Balayage” technique does not have to be recolored as often. In the video you can find out what exactly is behind “Grey Blending” and how great the results look with every (natural) hair color and hair length.
Source used: rtl.de