Hair Loss in Women Over 40: Causes and Treatment + 2023

Hair loss comes with emotional challenges, but it can hit harder as you enter your 40s. However, hair loss in women over the age of 40 is completely natural and occurs more often than you think.

One-third of women about to enter menopause experience hair thinning or bald spots that worsen after menopause. While female hair loss in her 40s is normal, you don’t have to sit back and experience it.

Various treatments are available to slow hair loss and even restore your hair. In this article we will tell you all about them. Read on to learn more about the causes of hair loss and how you can reverse it.

Symptoms of den Hair Loss in Women Over 40

You may not notice hair loss at first, as hair loss in women is typically gradual and more subtle than in men. Losing 50 to 100 strands of hair a day is also normal and should not necessarily be a cause for concern. Instead, look for the following signs that your hair loss rate is increasing:

  • More hair breakage
  • Your hairbrush needs to be cleaned more often
  • There are more hairs in the shower drain
  • You have more hair than usual on your clothes and pillows

Hair loss usually progresses slowly, so it may take some time for you to notice changes in the mirror. After doing this, you may find that your part is enlarged, your hair looks thinner and bald areas appear near the crown of your head.

In addition, it should be noted that women over the age of 40 may also experience hair loss in other parts of the body such as arms, legs, eyebrows and eyelashes.

reasons Hair Loss in Women the 40s

Hair loss in women over the age of 40 can be caused by various factors. We will discuss some of them below:

Hormonal Changes

As you approach menopause, your estrogen levels drop while your androgenic hormones rise. Because the proper balance of these hormones is essential for healthy hair growth, this change can cause hair to grow thinner and slower.

This type of hair loss in women over the age of 40 can occur at any time during menopause. You may experience perimenopause, menopause, or post-menopause. Other conditions associated with hormonal imbalances can also increase the risk of hair loss. These include hypothyroidism and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).


A woman sitting on a sofa and holding her head

Stress is another factor associated with hair loss, including female hair loss in their 40s. Scientists don’t know exactly why stress is linked to hair loss, but it could be may be related to changing levels of stress-related hormones such as cortisol.

Stress-related hair loss can be gradual or sudden. In some cases, it can lead to a condition called significant physical or emotional stress. telogen discharge (TE). This condition causes rapid hair loss, usually about three months after a distressing event.

But the good news is that stress-related hair loss is usually not permanent. In most cases, hair will grow back if stress is better controlled.

Nutritional Deficiencies

Deficiencies in some essential micronutrients such as iron, zinc, niacin, selenium, vitamin D and biotin has been associated with hair loss in women over the age of 40. These nutritional deficiencies are often the result of fast diets or otherwise highly restrictive diets.

It is also thought that a poor or restrictive diet can cause increased hair loss due to insufficient protein, healthy fats and calories in general.


40s woman hair loss often has an underlying hereditary cause. Women with a family history of male or female hair loss are more likely to experience hair loss due to their underlying genetic makeup.

Hair loss, which is primarily hereditary, often follows a predictable pattern, including widespread thinning and enlargement of the hair portion.

Hairstyles and Care

Tight hairstyles such as buns, ponytails, and tightly plaited hair can damage the hair follicles and cause hair loss. This particular type of hair loss is called. traction alopecia. Using these hairstyles frequently at an early age may cause more significant hair loss in women over 40.

Some types of hair care, such as perms, bleach, and heat-based styling tools, can damage the hair or scalp and cause hair loss. This damage can accumulate over time and have a more pronounced effect later in life.

Autoimmune Diseases

Hair loss can also be the result of various autoimmune conditions. The most common type of hair loss of autoimmune origin alopecia areata. This condition can occur in men and women of any age, including women over the age of 40, and can cause hair loss.

Hair Loss Treatments for Women Over 40

    woman touching her hair in front of the mirror

A number of treatment options are available for female hair loss. These are the most common treatments for female hair loss in their 40s.

prescription drugs

There are different prescription medications available to help you combat hair loss. Some include:


Finasteride supports hair regrowth by blocking the effects of androgen hormones. It is most commonly sold under the brand name Propecia. Finasteride is specifically approved for male pattern hair loss only. But, research It shows that it can also be effective in female pattern hair loss, and doctors sometimes prescribe it off-label for this reason.


This medication is often prescribed for acne treatment, but studies It shows that it can also be effective in hair loss in women over 40.


Minoxidil is an over-the-counter medication commonly sold under the brand name Rogaine. It is FDA-approved to treat both male and female pattern hair loss.

Minoxidil has proven to be effective in many situations. studies. This medication works by widening blood vessels and increasing blood flow to the follicles. Available in foam, liquid and spray forms of varying strengths.

hormone replacement therapy

Pills in blister wrapping paper

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is another solution that can help women in their 40s with hair loss. Because hormonal imbalances are common before, during, and after menopause, HRT can be beneficial.

But doctors recommend HRT for other symptoms of menopause. So this may not be the best option for everyone.

Hair Transplant

Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure that can help some cases of hair loss in women over 40. It involves moving healthy hair follicles from the thicker hairy parts of the scalp to areas with thinning hair and baldness. Hair transplantation is generally used to treat male hair loss, but some doctors may also apply it to women.

micro needling

micro needling It is another potential treatment option for hair loss in women over 40.

It involves running a roller with tiny needles over your scalp, creating tiny holes in the skin. It is thought to promote hair regrowth by promoting collagen formation, producing new blood vessels and releasing growth factors. Studies showed that micro needling can increase hair density and thickness.

Platelet rich plasma

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection therapy is a minimally invasive procedure that some doctors will perform for female hair loss in their 40s.

This treatment involves taking a sample of the patient’s blood, processing the blood to isolate certain beneficial compounds, and injecting the solution into the scalp. a series of studies It has shown that PRP can be a promising treatment for both male and female pattern hair loss.

Low Level Laser Therapy

Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), also known as Photobiomodulation Therapy, is one of only two treatments approved by the FDA to treat hair loss in women. This makes it a great treatment option for many cases of female hair loss in their 40s.

LLLT works by activating the cells of the hair follicles with gentle red laser light, allowing them to work more efficiently and produce thicker, healthier hair. LLLT only proven effective in many clinical studiesbut it also contains no drugs or chemicals and is not associated with any serious adverse side effects.

How to Prevent Hair Loss at Home?

Although treatment is necessary, there are measures you can take to prevent further hair loss. Here are some things you can do at home:

  • Get your nutrients! Most importantly, eat a healthy and balanced diet. You can also supplement with vitamins known to promote hair growth.
  • Control your stress as best you can. That’s much easier said than done. But healthy habits like regular exercise or meditation can help you relax.
  • Avoid tight hairstyles that can cause traction alopecia.
  • Avoid hair treatments that contain harsh chemicals or heat.

Regrow Hair with LaserCap

We are happy to present one of the best treatment options for hair loss in women over 40: The Original LaserCap! LaserCap uses FDA-approved LLLT technology to treat pattern hair loss in men and women. Prescription-strength red laser light energizes dormant follicles, stimulating them to produce fuller hair in four to six months of use.

Get your LaserCap today to start your journey towards thicker, healthier hair!

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