Fruit acid peeling: The 5 best products +2023

With a fruit acid peeling you can fight pimples, acne scars and wrinkles. But which peeling is the best and how do you actually use it?

Radiant skin without any perceived blemishes – that’s something Cleopatra dreamed of. Therefore, according to several statements, she always bathed in milk, since the lactic acid in her skin cell renewal helped. But not only lactic acid has such an effect, fruit acids are also known to have an effect on the skin regeneration to support. Ideal for modern skin that struggles not only with cosmetics in which pore-clogging substances are included. Also Exhaust fumes and general air pollution afflict our skin.

What is a fruit acid peel?

A fruit acid peeling works with so-called Alpha hydroxy acids, AHA for short, or fruit acids. These acids are naturally derived or synthetically produced and are among the chemical peels. There are also mechanical peelings, i.e. those that use tiny particles to ensure that dead skin cells are removed and the skin cells underneath can regenerate. Chemical peels use the acids they contain to remove old ballast from our skin, leaving it feeling soft.

What does such a skin peeling bring?

With a fruit acid peeling you can treat several skin abnormalities at the same time. Be it pigments, acne marks or scars, wrinkles or a sallow skin tone – the fruit acid peeling immediately improves your complexion after the first application.

The best at-home scrub

In a professional cosmetic treatment, the fruit acid peeling is much more concentrated and applied to your skin in a way that is adapted to your skin than is the case with peelings at home. Nevertheless, these serve the same purpose and are a good addition to your skincare routine.

For those suffering from acne scars

If you mainly with Acne scars and pimple marks are struggling, then this is suitable Paula’s Choice AHA scrub very good to counteract this. With his 8 percent salary It ensures that dead skin cells are removed and the skin is renewed. Gradually, the marks and scars will disappear.

For wrinkle fighters

Small wrinkles can be treated quickly with the right AHA peeling. The Fruit acid peeling by Annemarie Börlind has so far been very well received by users who reviews of 30 to 60 year olds are all consistentlypositiveso that a smooth and soft skin feeling is raved about.

For a small budget

Sometimes the budget doesn’t really play into skin care. In such cases, however, there is good news in the area of ​​skin and cell renewal, because that Scrub by The Ordinary with 30% AHA and 2% BHA has over 250 ratings and gets all of them from previous users 4.8 out of 5 points. Due to the strong AHA content, however, you should be careful with the first applications and first test a small area of ​​skin for the reaction.

For the lazy

If it’s not the money, then it is her Time, which is sometimes missing. There is also the right product for this case. With the AHA/BHA toner from COSRXyou save yourself the washing up and long waiting. After cleansing and after drying your face completely, you simply spray the toner onto your face, let it dry briefly and then continue with your Korean Skincare. Because the product comes from Korea and is perfect for building a nurturing routine.

For professionals

you are already tested in mixing your own solutions and do you also dare to use fruit acid? Then this is it Set of your cosmetics right for you. Mixing is explained to you in detail in the instruction booklet. Contains distilled water, a neutralizer and the fruit acid peeling with a 70% content.

Application – step-by-step instructions

  1. Step 1: Start your skincare routine with your favorite cleansing product and remove make-up from your skin. Dry your face well.
  2. Step: Use your toner as usual and prepare your skin for the peeling.
  3. Step: Now you apply your fruit acid peeling, which you leave on for a few minutes. Avoid the eye area and remember to treat the jawline as well.
  4. Step: After the exposure time, wash off the peeling thoroughly with lukewarm water until your skin feels smooth.
  5. Step: Now continue with your serums, essences and moisturizers.

How often to use?

It is best to use a fruit acid or AHA peeling at least once and at most twice a week at. Acne-prone skin can be treated twice so that excess sebum is removed regularly. If your skin is sensitive to it, for example because it is becoming drier or new pimples are developing, use the peeling once a week.

Fruit acid peeling or enzyme peeling?

If you are struggling with calluses and scars, you are better advised to use a fruit acid peeling. Enzyme peels are milder than those with fruit acid and are perfect for wrinkles and to make the skin look fresher and plumper again. Do you have a general sensitive skinan enzyme peel is also a better choice.

FAQs on fruit acid peels

When is a fruit acid peeling necessary?

A fruit acid peeling has many effects, as the acids it contains can help with several skin problems:

  • acne scars
  • pimple marks and hyperpigmentation
  • pucker
  • sallow skin
  • Dry skin
  • calluses
  • sun damage

It is only necessary if you feel uncomfortable with your skin. But it is always recommended because it not only helps with the problems mentioned, but also before premature skin aging protects. Dead skin cells are naturally removed and collagen production is stimulated.

What is to be considered afterwards?

After a fruit acid peeling, particular attention should be paid to Cream with sun protection factor to use. In our sunscreen test you will find the best creams to protect your skin from UV rays. For double protection you can mineral powder after the sunscreen use. This reflects the sunlight due to the minerals it contains, so that it cannot even penetrate your skin.

How long should you leave the fruit acid peeling on?

That depends entirely on the manufacturer. Some scrubs just need three minutes act, others ten minutes. Pay attention to the description of your fruit acid peeling and imagine one timerso you don’t run out of time.

Left it on too long, now what?

Didn’t keep track of the time and now the chemical peel has been on your skin for too long? What can happen then is that yours skin dries out and it too irritation comes. Best to work with mildly formulated creams and serumsto bring the moisture balance back into balance. Apply cream several times a day, your skin should be tight and use as few products as possible so as not to overstrain your skin.

When can you go out in the sun again after using it?

In the first few days after the fruit acid peeling you should avoid exposing your face to direct sun. But since you’ll be wearing a sunscreen of 50 at best anyway, you can enjoy the sunny weather – just with caution.

When should you not use a fruit acid peeling?

People with sensitive skin, for example due to neurodermatitis, couperose or with a general disorder of wound healing of the skin, should avoid fruit acid peelings. Even during pregnancy, an AHA peel is not always recommended.

When will I first see results?

The first results can be seen quite quickly after the first treatment. Improvements in the skin can be seen just two to three days later.

How many sessions does it take to see an improvement in your skin problem?

It all depends on the skin problem. In fact, if you’re using an acid peel to combat something, don’t stop if you see improvement. The continuity is very important in cosmetics and this is the only way to do it consistently good results achieve. Small wrinkles usually disappear after a few weeks, severe acne scars need another treatment with professional needling or laser therapy in addition to the fruit acid peeling.

How much does a scrub like this cost?

The costs vary between eight and 40 eurosdepending on whether you prefer a brand and what you are looking for.

How much does a peeling at a beautician cost?

How much such a peeling costs in cosmetics depends entirely on the offer. Some start at 30 euros, others charge 60 euros or more for it. This usually includes further steps for pre- and post-treatment of the skin.

Is a fruit acid peel dangerous?

A fruit acid peeling is not dangerous, but as already mentioned, it should some skin types abandon the application. Also, you should always time in view have in order not to strain your skin. After all, we want to use the fruit acid peeling to fix one or more problems and not add new ones.

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