The dilemma of every morning: go to the office in sneakers to endure all the hours like a champion or put on high heels to topple over. A decision that with these sensible and comfortable heeled shoes You won’t have to drink, because you have the best of both worlds.

Gold Slingback Shoes by Latouche
These slingback shoes with contrasting toecaps seem to us to be the height of elegance and sophistication. not in vain are a clone of Chanel ballerinas and a proposal with a thick and low heel, ideal to endure many hours. You have them in El Corte Inglés for 99 euros.

We are in the season of the Mary Janes and even Aitana wears these Bratz-style shoes. Their Zara version with ankle bracelet and geometric heel of €29.95 It is so pretty that we can wear it even on special occasions.

Leather shoes with chains
If we are looking to add glamor to our office outfits, this leather design with golden chains from La Redoute for 83.40 euros has a little rock dot that freaks us out. Of course, without giving up the sensible heel because being a rocker is not at odds with being comfortable.

Contrast Heeled Suede Shoes
We finished with a basic Marypaz, some colored court shoes naked for 29.99 euros with a comfortable heel and that will become the best sum for our capsule wardrobe.
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Photos | imaxtreeThe English Court, zaraLa Redoute, Marypaz.
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