The new legislation on Animal Welfare is going to change a lot what we consider responsible pet ownership. Now there will be fines for leaving the dog in the yard, all pets must have insurance and owners will have to do a Responsibility course to really know what it is to have an animal at home.
One of the new obligations that dog owners must comply with is to obtain a training course, more than anything so that they know what they are getting into and obtain the title of person fit to have a furry at home, just as is done today with PPP dog owners.

“People who choose to own dogs must prove that they have completed a training course for dog ownership with indefinite validity.” – Article 30 of the Animal Welfare Law.
Subsequently it has already been confirmed that it can be done on-line or in veterinary consultations and which will consist of a series of slides with useful information to learn how to meet the needs of a pet and responsible coexistence, including multiple choice questions. This course will be free and only affects dog owners.

In the event that you already have a dog at home, the regulations establish that you will have a period of two years to take this course, from the entry into force of the law. If you don’t, you will face a fine.of which the amount is still unknown.
Photos | Unsplash.
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