Does Sean tell his parents he’s gay in Season 2 Part 1 of Firefly Lane? +2023

Firefly Lane Season 2 has arrived with the first new episodes for the final season and it’s an emotional rollercoaster ride. Season 2 Part 1 not only answers the burning question of what happens between Tully and Kate, but the episodes shed light on Sean’s journey.

In the first season we meet Kate’s brother (played by Jason Mckinnon as an adult and Quinn Lord as a teenager) and discover that he and his best friend Robbie are more than just friends. Sean only confides in Tully that he’s gay.

At the end of season one, Sean comes out to his wife and subsequently moves in with Kate, but his story doesn’t end there. In season two, Sean opens up more and more, but is he finally opening up to his parents? Here’s what happens for Sean in Season 2 Part 1.

Warning: spoilers ahead Firefly Lane Season 2 Part 1!

Is Sean Coming Out In Part 1 Of Firefly Lane Season 2?

Sean’s journey to self-acceptance came to a head Firefly Lane Season 2 Part 1 based on the events of the previous season. After coming out to his wife Julia and consequently Kate (in the 2000s timeline), he is living in Kate’s basement when Julia throws him out of the house.

During this “breakup” period, Sean and Kate’s mother, Margie, still have hope that Sean and Julia could work out whatever their problems are and get back together. However, a tense family dinner in Episode 3 brings Sean to the end of his strength and he comes to his parents.

At the beginning of the episode, during a flashback to the 1970s, Margie found Kate’s Tiger Beat magazine with Shaun Cassidy on the cover under Sean’s mattress. The magazine featured a centerfold of the shirtless actor, and Margie was clearly curious if Sean had hidden the magazine.

After dinner, Margie talks to Sean and tells him that he could have talked to her sooner. He refutes with the fact that she knew. Sean believes his mother knew he was gay but was never willing to accept or admit it. Therefore, she constantly urged him to date girls. (It is also revealed in flashbacks that Sean and Tully slept together as teenagers, though only for fun.)

Despite his parents’ tepid reaction (who later awkwardly support their son and his new boyfriend), Tully and Kate take him to a gay bar and let him enjoy his freedom and liberation. Sean’s journey, including that of his family, is sure to continue in Part 2 as his relationship with William grows closer to marriage.

watch Firefly Lane Season 2 part 1 now on Netflix!

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